British NVC community CG1 (Festuca ovina - Carlina vulgaris grassland)

British NVC community CG1 (Festuca ovina - Carlina vulgaris grassland)


NVC community CG1 ("Festuca ovina - Carlina vulgaris" grassland) is one of the calcicolous grassland communities in the British National Vegetation Classification system. It is one of three short-sward communities associated with heavy grazing, within the lowland calcicolous grassland group, and is regarded as the south-west coastal counterpart of "typical" chalk grassland (community CG2).

It is a comparatively localised community. There are six subcommunities.

Community composition

The following constant species are found in this community:
* Carline Thistle "Carlina vulgaris"
* Cock's-foot "Dactylis glomerata"
* Sheep's Fescue ("Festuca ovina")
* Mouse-ear Hawkweed ("Hieracium pilosella")
* Common Bird's-foot Trefoil ("Lotus corniculatus")
* Ribwort Plantain ("Plantago lanceolata")
* Salad Burnet ("Sanguisorba minor")
* Wild Thyme ("Thymus praecox")

The following rare species are also associated with the community:

* Bristol Rock-cress "Arabis stricta"
* Goldilocks Aster "Aster linosyris"
* Small Hare's-ear "Bupleurum baldense"
* Dwarf Sedge "Carex humilis"
* Dwarf Mouse-ear "Cerastium pumilum"
* Yellow Whitlowgrass "Draba aizoides"
* Portland Spurge "Euphorbia portlandica"
* Early Gentian "Gentianella anglica"
* White Rock-rose "Helianthemum apenninum"
* Hoary Rock-rose "Helianthemum canum"
* the hybrid between White and Hoary Rock-roses "Helianthemum × sulfureum"
* Spotted Cat's-ear "Hypochoeris maculata"
* Somerset Hair-grass "Koeleria vallesiana"
* Spring Cinquefoil "Potentilla tabernaemontani"
* Autumn Squill "Scilla autumnalis"
* Spring Squill "Scilla verna"
* Rock Stonecrop "Sedum forsterianum"
* Silver Ragwort "Senecio cineraria"
* Spiked Speedwell "Veronica spicata"
* Curving Feather-moss "Scorpiurium circinatum"
* Neat Crisp-moss "Tortella nitida"


This community is found in scattered locations on limestone sites around the south and west coasts of Britain.


There are six subcommunities:
* the "Carex humilis" subcommunity
* the "Scilla autumnalis - Euphorbia portlandica" subcommunity
* the "Trinia glauca" subcommunity
* the "Helianthemum canum" subcommunity
* the "Koeleria macrantha" subcommunity
* the "Festuca rubra - Scilla verna" subcommunity


* Rodwell, J. S. (1992) "British Plant Communities Volume 3 - Grasslands and montane communities" ISBN 0-521-39166-0 (hardback), ISBN 0-521-62719-2 (paperback)

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