shore patrol — ☆ shore patrol n. a detail of the U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, or Marine Corps acting as military police on shore … English World dictionary
shore patrol — shore′ patrol n. mil (often caps.) U.S. Navy personnel having duties similar to those performed by military police • Etymology: 1940–45 … From formal English to slang
shore patrol — noun the military police of the navy • Topics: ↑military, ↑armed forces, ↑armed services, ↑military machine, ↑war machine • Hypernyms: ↑military police, ↑MP * * * … Useful english dictionary
shore patrol — {n.} The police of a navy. * /The sailors who were fighting in town were arrested by the shore patrol./ * /The shore patrol was ordered to search every sailor who went on board the ship./ … Dictionary of American idioms
shore patrol — {n.} The police of a navy. * /The sailors who were fighting in town were arrested by the shore patrol./ * /The shore patrol was ordered to search every sailor who went on board the ship./ … Dictionary of American idioms
Shore patrol — Le shore patrol (patrouille côtière) est une unité de police militaire de la marine et des gardes côtes des États Unis d Amérique, ainsi que de la marine britannique lorsque les navires sont en mer. De par le passé, le shore patrol a souvent eu… … Wikipédia en Français
shore\ patrol — noun the police of a navy. The sailors who were fighting in town were arrested by the shore patrol. The shore patrol was ordered to search every sailor who went on board the ship … Словарь американских идиом
shore patrol — noun A special unit of the military police of the U.S. Navy or the Royal Navy. Their duties are to police the seamen while they are on shore leave … Wiktionary
shore patrol — noun Date: 1917 1. a branch of a navy that exercises guard and police functions compare military police 2. petty officers detailed to perform police duty while a ship is in port … New Collegiate Dictionary
shore patrol — (often caps.) members of an organization in the U.S. Navy having police duties similar to those performed by military police. Abbr.: SP [1940 45] * * * … Universalium