acronym for linear structural relations, is a statistical software package used instructural equation modeling . LISREL was developed in 1970s by Karl Jöreskog and Dag Sörbom, both professors ofUppsala University , Sweden. The most current version, as of 2008 April, is LISREL 8.8.Criticism
LISREL is mainly syntax-based and its
graphical user interface (GUI) is very hard to use. According to Donna Addis: "Although LISREL ... have a GUI that lets you draw the model, the GUI is cumbersome and it is worth using the scripting language for the program." [From the webpage of [http://www.wjh.harvard.edu/~daddis/imaging/PATH%20ANALYSIS.pdf Donna Addis] , a post-doctoral student at Harvard University.] .References
ee also
Structural Equation Modeling
*Confirmatory Factor Analysis
*Path analysis (statistics) External links
* [http://www.ssicentral.com/lisrel/ Official website]
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