Qualification Principle

Qualification Principle

The qualification principle states that any semantically meaningful syntactic class may admit local definitions. In other words, it's possible to include a "block" in any syntactic class, provided that the phrases of that class specify some kind of computation.wikiref | id=watt | text=Watt, 1990

A common examples for of this principle includes:
* block command -- a command containing a local declaration, which is used only for executing this command. In the following excerpt from a C program, tmp variable declarared local to surrounding block command:if (a > b) { int tmp; tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;}

* block expression -- an expression containing a local declaration, which is used only for evaluating this expression. In the following excerpt from ML program, local declaration of g can be used only during evaluation of the following expression:

let val g = 9.8in m * g * hend


* cite book
last= Watt
first= David A.
authorlink= David Watt
title= Programming Language Concepts and Paradigms
origyear= 1990
origmonth= 5
publisher= Prentice Hall
isbn= 0-13-728874-3
pages= pp. 82-83
chapter= Bindings

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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