Giano di Campofregoso

Giano di Campofregoso

Giano di Campofregoso was the 43rd Doge of Genoa. He ruled as Giano II from 29 June, 1512 to 25 May, 1513, and was the second member of the family called Giano to occupy the office. [The Republic of Genoa] He was succeeded by his kinsman Ottaviano di Campofregoso.

The Campofregoso were one of the elite, Patrician families of the Genoese Republic, originally from the area of Val Polcevera. The family, also known as Fregoso, were eminent in Genoese politics throughout the 15th century, providing five Dogi to the Republic. [Campofregoso Dogi] The Genoese branch of the family became extinct in 1660. [Campofregoso Dogi]



* [ The Republic of Genoa, rulers] retrieved 3 May 2008
* [ Campofregoso Dogi] (Italian) retrieved 3 May 2008

Further reading

[ Christopher Columbus: His Birthplace and His Parents] (information on the Campofregoso) retrieved 3 May 2008.

External links

* [ The armour of Giano II] 3 May 2008

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