Kristian Erslev

Kristian Erslev

Infobox academic
name = Kristian Erslev
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caption = Danish historian Kristian Erslev.
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Kristian Erslev (1852-1930) was a famous Danish historian. He worked on various subjects, including the whole concept of writing history. [Leo Tandrup: “Ravn”, Bind 1 & II, 1979] Erslev's influence on the Danish scientific community was so large, that he was considered "the master" amongst generations of Danish historians. As editor of the Danish "Historisk Tidsskrift" he also set the standards for solid, factual historical writing. He looked to other European scientists for inspiration, but never fully solved the problems of objectivity and the influence of "the person behind the pen". [] He was openly attacked by later generations of Danish historians for his strong belief in "the truth". [Inga Floto: "Problematiseringen af objektiviteten - Historieskrivningen og den dokumentariske roman", Historisk Tidsskrift, bind 78, 113-37, 1978]

Erslev was inspired in his early days by the idea that historians was able to create "true science". However, in his older days he became disillusioned by his previous ideas [Jan N.H. Jensen - Kr. Erslev og objektivitetsproblemet i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede] .


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