Aharon Dolgopolsky

Aharon Dolgopolsky

Aharon Dolgopolsky ( _he. אהרון דולגופולסקי; born 1930) is a Russian-born Israeli comparative linguist and one of the modern founders of comparative Nostratic linguistics.

Born in Moscow, he arrived at the long-forgotten Nostratic hypothesis in the 1960s, at around the same time but independently of Vladislav Illich-Svitych. Together with Illich-Svitych, he was the first to undertake a multilateral comparison of the daughter-languages of Nostratic.

After teaching Nostratics at Moscow University for 8 years, Dolgopolsky moved to Israel in 1976, and is currently at Haifa University.

Dolgopolsky is featured in the NOVA documentary, "In search of the first language".

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