Jaufre Reforzat de Trets

Jaufre Reforzat de Trets

Jaufre Reforzat de Trets ( _la. Gaufridus Reforciatus; fl. 1213–1237), known as Jaufrezet, was the Viscount of Marseille, seigneur of Trets ["dominus de Tritis"] and Forcalquier, ["Reforzat de Forcalquier" is commonly listed among the troubadours. "Reforsat de Tres" was a contemporary spelling.] and a man of letters. He was a member of the Baus family, the son of Raymond Geoffrey II of Marseille.

Jaufre was recorded as viscount of Marseille as early as 1213. His father died in 1216 or 1217 and he ruled the patrimony with his younger brother Bergundio d'Agoult. By charter dated 21 June 1217 he granted rights in Allauch to Peter, Bishop of Marseille. In 1228 he became lord of Rocharon and in 1231 castellan of Château-Réal. Jaufre may have been the father of Beatrice, wife of Isnart d'Entrevenas.

Jaufre was deeply connected within the troubadour culture. He wrote a "sirventes" attacking Guilhem dels Baus, his nominal overlord as King of Arles. He got involved in the poetical disputes and mudslinging between fellow troubadours Sordello and Peire Bremon Ricas Novas and wrote a "sirventes" attacking both of them. He also wrote a "partimen" with Elias de Barjols, which is were his nickname "Jaufrezet" is first recorded. He was also the judge of several other "partimens": between Blacatz and Guilhem de San Gregori and between Peirol, Guionet and Pomairol.



*Jeanroy, Alfred. "La poésie lyrique des troubadours". Toulouse: Privat. 1934.
* [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/PROVENCE.htm#HuguesGeoffroyIMarseilledied1128B Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Geoffroy "Reforzatus"]

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