La Giudecca

La Giudecca

In Southern Italy and Sicily, "la Giudecca" identified any urban district (or a portion of a village) where Jewish communities dwelled and had their shrines and business.Unlike ghettos, in some Southern Italian hamlets and cities the Hebraic families and their members concentrated without constraint and they could freely circulate and even contribute with Christian neighbours to the success or commercial, cultural and artistic progresses of a region.A very few Sicilian Giudeccas were unhealthy and declined, the greater part numbered lots of craftsmen, doctors and dealers.


"Judeca" and "Giudecca" are the corrupt or jargonized medieval versions of the latin female adjective "Judaica" , namely "Judaical" or "Judean". "The Jewess" or "The Jewry" are other plausible meanings.

Jewish neighbourhoods in southern Italy

Some names' senses

Notes and references

"Sicilia Judaica, N.Bucaria.Flaccovio Editore" (1996)

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