Lars Walløe

Lars Walløe

Lars Walløe was born in Oslo Norway in 1938, studied medicine in Oslo and has also a Ph.D. in physical chemistry.


Lars Walløe is Professor of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Oslo where he has previously also been professor of applied statistics and cybernetics. He has also been part-time Research Director at the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen and part-time Professor at the Department of Arctic Biology at the University of Tromsø. His current research is in the field of cardiovascular control mechanisms in man and in other large mammals, and he has developed non-invasive ultrasound instruments for such studies, but he has also published on neuronal nets, statistical methodology, historical demography, population biology, and reproductive epidemiology.

Awards and Positions

Professor Walløe is Scientific Adviser to the Norwegian Government on Marine Mammals. He has been President of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Chairman of the Norwegian Population Panel, Director of the Norwegian research program on acid rain, Chairman of the Norwegian Research Board for Environment and Development and Chairman of the Standing Committee for Life and Environmental Sciences of the European Science Foundation. In 2005 he was dedicated the Norwegian Roayl Title Kommandør av Den Kongelige Norske St. Olavs Orden.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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