- Johanna Nichols
Linguist Johanna Nichols is a
professor in the Department ofSlavic Language s and Literatures at theUniversity of California, Berkeley . Her research interests include the Slavic languages, the linguistic prehistory of northernEurasia , language typology, ancient linguistic prehistory, and languages of theCaucasus , chiefly Chechen and Ingush."
Linguistic Diversity in Space and Time "This book (Chicago, 1992) is Nichols's best known work, considered a pioneering work in the use of linguistic typology as a tool for understanding human migrations in prehistory. [ [http://www.lsadc.org/index2.php?aaa=honorsawards.html Leonard Bloomfield Book Award] ]
Linguistic prehistory
* [http://www.terralingua.org/Conference%20Abstracts/Nichols.htm Linguistic Diversity and Language Origins]
* [http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/94/13/6585 Mathematical approaches to comparative linguistics]
* [http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/96/6/3325 Linguistic diversity of the Americas can be reconciled with a recent colonization]
* [http://www.andaman.org/BOOK/reprints/burenhult/buhult-prehist/rep-burenhult.htm Deep Linguistic Prehistory with particular reference to Andamanese]Languages of the Caucasus
* [http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~chechen/ The Chechen Language]
* [http://ingush.berkeley.edu:7012/ The Ingush Language]
* [http://popgen.well.ox.ac.uk/eurasia/htdocs/nichols/nichols.html An overview of languages of the Caucasus]Notes
External links
* [http://scicom.ucsc.edu/SciNotes/9901/echoes/echoes.htm Biography of Johanna Nichols]
* [http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~jbn/ Johanna Nichols' homepage]
* [http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~jbn/JN_fullpubs.html Johanna Nichols' Publications]
* [http://aalc07.psu.edu/papers/jn_typol_class3.pdf Typology in the service of classification: Alternative approaches to language classification] Stanford, July 17-19, 2007
* [http://www.livingreviews.org/wals/author#nicholsj World Atlas of Language Structures]
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