

company_name = Woopra
iFusion Labs LLC
years_active = April 2008 -
company_type = Web Services
foundation = Texas, Dallas (2008)
location_country = USA
key_people = Elie Khoury, Chief Information Officer and Co-Founder
Jad Younan, Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder
John Pozadzides, Chief Executive Officer, CEO

industry = Technology
products = Woopra Web Analytics
slogan = "Live Analytics"
homepage = [http://www.woopra.com/ www.woopra.com]
intl = Yes

Woopra (pronEng|ˌwuːpra or IPA|/ˌwuːpra/) is a web analytics service offered by iFusion Labs LLC that generates live detailed statistics about the visitors to a website. The service is provided in real-time using a desktop application.

Woopra was developed by Elie Khoury and Jad Younan of Lebanon. The two met after winning a computer science national award at university. Statistics junkies frustrated with current web statistics packages, they decided to create their own stats program, breaking all the rules for current online web analytics programs.

There are three parts to Woopra: Web and Desktop. Registered Woopra members can monitor their blog stats on the Woopra Member Panel on the Woopra site. Members can also track live statistics on their computers with the Woopra Desktop Client installed and linked to their website through a JavaScript.

A WordPress Plugin and other blogging and web platform extensions, add-ons, and plugins are also available to bring Woopra analytics to the member's web interface such as the Woopra WordPress Plugin which allows viewing web analytics on their WordPress Administration Panel. With the upcoming release of the Woopra API, members will be able to develop a wide range of third party applications to enhance Woopra's statistics with their websites and blogs.

Woopra is currently only open for beta testers and currently have over 30,000 beta testers all over the world reporting in to the [http://www.woopra.com/forums/ Woopra Forum] . Applicants willing to participate in the Woopra beta testing program may sign up for Woopra and wait to be approved when resources become available to add more testers.


Woopra has unveiled as a closed beta at WordCamp Dallas on March 29, 2008.

200 invitations were distributed to attendees, and blogger [http://icali.tv/ Cali Lewis] conducted a video interview with [http://www.onemansblog/ John Pozadzides] in conjunction with a live demonstration. The interview was published online. Reactions to the launch were published by [http://www.geekbrief.tv/introducing-woopra-youre-gonna-want-it GeekBrief] , [http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/30/stats-junkies-get-another-fix-woopra/ TechCrunch] , [http://mashable.com/2008/03/30/woopra/ Mashable] amongst others.

External links

* [http://www.woopra.com/ Official website]
* [http://www.worldofmatticus.com/2008/05/29/woopra-not-your-moms-google-analytics/ World of Matticus - Woopra: Not Your Mom’s Google Analytics]
* [http://www.websitemagazine.com/content/blogs/posts/archive/2008/06/17/Woopra_Google_Analytics_Alternative.aspx Website Magazine - Woopra: Google Analytics Alternative]
* [http://www.webanalyticsworld.net/2008/06/5-great-free-web-analytics-tools-you.html Web Analytics World - 5 Great (Free) Web Analytics Tools You Might Not Know About Yet]
* [http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/30/stats-junkies-get-another-fix-woopra/ Tech Crunch - Woopra]
* [http://www.techau.tv/blog/?p=393| TechAU TV - Podcast Episode #28 on Woopra]
* [http://www.structuredthought.org/?p=82 Woopra - Structured Thought - The five-minute review]
* [http://www.seoibiza.com/blog/2008/07/17/woopra-addicted-yet/ SEO Ibiza - Woopra - Addicted Yet?]
* [http://www.pushing-pixels.org/?p=377 Pushing Pixels - Java on the desktop]
* [http://www.prodigitaltips.com/free-web-analytics-blog-visitor-tracking-tool-free-web-blog-stats-plugin/ Prodigital Tips - Free Web Analytics & Blog Visitor Tracking Tool - Free Web & Blog Stats Plugin]
* [http://www.happyhotelier.com/2008/05/17/do-you-woopra-you-should/ Happy Hotelier - Do You Woopra? You Should!]
* [http://www.geekestateblog.com/whooping-it-up-on-woopra/ Geek Estate Blog - Whooping it up on Woopra]
* [http://www.geekbrief.tv/introducing-woopra-youre-gonna-want-it| GeekBrief.TV - Introducing Woopra - You're gonna want it]
* [http://www.chicagoagentmagazine.com/news/index.asp?id=1869 Chicago Agent Magazine - Turning Web Traffic Into Closings: Introducing Woopra]
* [http://www.centernetworks.com/woopra-analytics Center Networks - Woopra: Where Analytics is Heading]
* [http://www.blogherald.com/2008/04/22/new-version-of-woopra-released/| Blog Herald - New Version of Woopra Released]
* [http://www.benjaminpatton.com/woopra-unleashed/ Benjamin Patton - Woopra Unleashed!]
* [http://www.allanjosephbatac.com/blog/2008/06/woopra-is-a-breath-of-fresh-air-for-web-analytics.html Allan Joseph Batac - Woopra is a breath of fresh air for web analytics]
* [http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2008/04/27/woopra-and-wordpress-unofficial-coolness-guide/| Weblog Tools Collection - Woopra and WordPress Unofficial Coolness Guide]
* [http://tynerblain.com/blog/2008/05/08/woopra-interview/ Tyner Blain - Interview with Woopra’s John Pozadzides]
* [http://tonymorganlive.com/2008/06/16/25-web-apps-that-make-my-life-easier/ Tony Morgan Live - 25 Web Apps That Make My Life Easier]
* [http://smallbiztechnology.com/archive/2008/08/whos-visiting-your-website-rig.html Small Biz Technology - Who's Visiting Your Website Right Now?]
* [http://opensourcemarketer.com/blog/google-analytics/getting-realtime-analytics-with-woopra/| Open Source Marketer - Getting Realtime Analytics With Woopra]
* [http://mashable.com/2008/08/20/linux-web/ Mashable - 15+ Ways to Make Your Linux Box Hip to Web 2.0]
* [http://mashable.com/2008/03/30/woopra/| Mashable - Woopra]
* [http://jeftek.com/web/video-review-of-woopra-web-analytics/| Jeftek - Video Review of Woopra Web Analytics]
* [http://herselfswebtools.com/2008/07/woopra-free-analytics-software-for-your-website.html Herself Web Tools - Woopra free analytics software for your website]
* [http://dotnetwizard.net/?p=1088| dotNet Wizard - Woopra In Action]
* [http://blogs.bnet.com/businesstips/?p=1788 B-Net - Get Live Site Tracking and Analytics with Woopra]
* [http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2008/05/woopra-lets-you.html Wired Blog - Woopra Lets You Stalk Your Users]
* [http://befamousvideo.newsvine.com/_news/2008/04/30/1462568-incredible-website-statistics-service| Newsvine.com - Incredible Website Statistics]

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