

The Fimmtardómur (Fifth Court) was a high court established in Iceland approximately in the year 1015 during the period of the Icelandic Commonwealth.

The jurisdiction of the court was the entire country, as opposed the the previous "fjórðungsdómar" (Quarter Courts), whose jurisdiction extended only their relevant quarter of the country. The goal in establishing the court was probably unifying the judging of court cases throughout the whole country. The "fimmtardómur" accepted appeals in cases already judged in one of the "fjórðungsdómar". The "fimmtardómur" consisted of 48 men. 36 of them judged in cases, while both plaintiff and defender could bump up to 6 judges. Verdicts were decided by majority votes. This arrangement lasted throughout the period of the Icelandic Commonwealth.


* [ Saga hæstaréttar]

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