Kumari — Kumari, or Kumari Devi, is a living goddess in Nepal. Kumari literally means virgin in Nepali and was the name of the goddess Durga as a child. [Karel R. “van” Kooij Religion in Nepal ISBN 9004058273] A Kumari is a prepubescent girl selected from … Wikipedia
Kumari (children) — Sajani Shakya, a former Kumari of Bhaktapur, Nepal. Photographed by Andy Carvin during her June 2007 visit to the United States to the Film Festival Silverdocs Kumari, or Kumari Devi, is the tradition of worshipping young pre pubescent girls as… … Wikipedia
Durga Puja in Orissa — Durga Puja is an Indian festival. This article describes its celebration in the state of Orissa. The cult of Shakti worship in Orissa is very prevalent, both in the Tantric and non Tantric forms, as can be realized from the festivals Vasanti… … Wikipedia
Durga — bekämpft den Büffeldämon Durga (Sanskrit, f., दुर्गा, durgā, wörtl.: die schwer Zugängliche, die schwer zu Begreifende) ist die wohl populärste Form der Göttin im Hinduismus, die in unterschiedlichen göttlichen Erscheinungsformen existiert, gütig … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kumari (Begriffsklärung) — Kumari bezeichnet: im Hinduismus eine Inkarnation der Göttin Durga, siehe Kumari Kumari ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Meena Kumari (1932–1972), indische Schauspielerin Reena Kumari (* 1984), indische Sport Bogenschützin … Deutsch Wikipedia
Durga charan Nag (Nag Mahasaya) — Durga Charan Nag দুরগা চরণ নাগ Nag Mahasaya (Durga Charan Nag), a 19th century saint from East Bengal and a householder disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahansa Born 1846 Deobhog, Narayanganj district, Bengal Presidency, British In … Wikipedia
Kumari — Sajani Shakya, Kumari von Bhaktapur Die Kumari (Sanskrit, f., कुमारी, kumārī, wörtlich: „Mädchen“) gilt seit dem 16. Jahrhundert als eine Inkarnation der populärsten hinduistischen Göttin Durga. In Nepal wird ein Mädchen als lebende Kumari… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kumari — Une Kumari est une jeune fille vénérée comme une déesse vivante au Népal. La tradition des Kumaris (vierges en népalais) date du XVIIe siècle. Elle consiste à isoler de très jeunes filles pour les adorer. Ces déesses vivantes sont l incarnat … Wikipédia en Français
Devi Kanya Kumari — For other uses of Kanyakumari, see Kanyakumari (disambiguation). Bhagavthy Amman temple, Kanyakumari. Devi Kanya Kumari, known as Kumari Amman (the virgin goddess) is one of the forms of Devi. She is popularly known as Bhagavathy Amman .… … Wikipedia
Kanya Kumari — Kanya Kumari (Virgin maiden) is a town of approximately 200,000 people at the tip of India at the meeting place of the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Bay of Bengal. The local goddess Kanya Kumari is considered by some to be a form of… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism