

Photoanalysis refers to the study of pictures in order to compile various types of data. Technology has been created to measure the size distribution of virtually anything that can be captured by photo. Using the Waterloo Image Enhancement Process (WIEP) and other processes, software was developed in the mid 1980's that changed the way mines and mills quantified fragmented material.


A mine benefits from photoanalysis as it minimizes damage caused from over-sized materials, provides an efficient automated system that forewarns a company of potential problems with materials, and saves the company millions in energy and maintenance costs annually. It also helps determine the effectiveness of blasts. If two different blasting methods are used, and these materials are not getting measured, the supervisor has no idea how effective his/her process is. [Franklin, John & Katsabanis, Takis. "Measurement of Blast Fragmentation." Page 115 ]

These photoanalysis systems can be built to suit different applications. A company can use this technology to monitor materials moving on a conveyor belt in an underground environment, to measure piles left over from a blast, and even measure the amount of material being carried by dump trucks or vessels to a destination.

Photoanalysis is being used on SAG Mills worldwide to control the size of rock being crushed.Fact|date=June 2008


Perfect sized wood chips improve the overall quality of a product. With automated photoanalysis systems, companies can remove any unwanted particles without stopping their mill process. [Franklin, John & Katsabanis, Takis. "Measurement of Blast Fragmentation." Page 151] With the current slump in the North American forestry industry, operators are looking to improve the effectiveness of current procedures to save money. WipWare, the leading producer of photoanalysis systems, has a system that is dedicated to the measurement of wood chip sizes for the industry to improve quality control techniques.


Strict food regulations can slow down a company's process. Agricultural companies can, using photoanalysis, monitor conveyor belts of food without contaminating the product by touching it. Other benefits of photoanalysis systems include:

*Automated removal of any unwanted material on food conveyor
*Improved quality control for the most important parts of the agricultural process.
*Pinpoint accuracy that helps the efficiency and effectiveness of product handling techniques.


External links

* [ WipWare Photoanalysis Systems]
* [ Bonfield Group]
* [ Topex Mining Consulting]

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