

Sembalur is a village under Pattukkottaitaluk in Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu, India.

Village: Sembalur

Population of the village 1500 Best transporation mode Bus Promixty to district 55 Km Promixty to taluk 7 Km Main occupation men in the village Agriculture Main occupation women in the village Agriculture Type of crop Paddy, Groundnut, Coconut Non-farm Source Income Migration to foreign countries, Daily Wages Nearest School Elementary School Number of students in the school 150 Staff strength 4 No. of Certified doctors 1 Nearest PHC to village Alathur No. of Pharmacy store 5 Beds in Hospital 3 Banks nearby PACB in Soorapallam What Banking Products are you aware of Agri loan,Jewel loan etc., What is the rate of interest charged by moneylenders 3 to 4% Number of self help groups in your village 20+ Cost of convert|1|acre|m2|sing=on farm land in the village Rs 3 Lakhs Cost of convert|200|sqft|m2 shop in the village Rs 25000/- Rent of convert|200|sqft|m2 shop in the village Rs 1000/-


* [] District Development Authority,Thanjavur

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