

Infobox River | river_name = Wurm

caption =
origin = North Rhine-Westphalia
mouth = Rur
basin_countries = Germany, Netherlands
length = 53 km
elevation = ±270 m
discharge = 1.4 m³/s
watershed = 354 km²
:"For the river in Bavaria, see Würm. For other uses, see Wurm (disambiguation).

The Wurm ( _nl. Worm) is a river in Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia), a left tributary of the Rur. The source of the Wurm are several brooks in the forests southwest of Aachen, which form the Wurm after the "Diepenbenden" reservoir. From there the Wurm nowadays flows through canals through the city of Aachen, until it resurfaces at the "Europaplatz" in the east of Aachen. North of Aachen (between Kerkrade and Herzogenrath) the river forms the border with the Netherlands for approx. 10 km. It flows into the river Rur near Heinsberg. Other towns on the river Wurm are Würselen, Übach-Palenberg and Geilenkirchen.

The name "Wurm" is thought to originate from the German word "warm" (same meaning in English), as the source brooks were fed from the thermal springs in Aachen.


* Kalinka, G., Schütten, J., "Naturraum Wurmtal", Wurmverlag Herzogenrath 1993

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