Tuktoyaktuk Winter Road

Tuktoyaktuk Winter Road

The Tuktoyaktuk Winter Road is an ice road located between the Northwest Territories communities of Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk. It services gas hydrate fields and exploration facilities at Mallik, Aput, and Langley, along with the ice-locked barges "Wurmlinger" and "Arctic Star", which act as bases of operations for ice road crews and exploration personnel. In addition, the road is a key supply line for Tuktoyaktuk itself and the hamlet of Aklavik.

A HistoryChannel.com Blog announced that the second season of Ice Road Truckers would be based out of Inuvik. A CBC North story reported that the episodes of this season occur on the Tuktoyaktuk Winter Road. Four of the featured drivers from the first season took part: Alex Debogorski, Hugh Rowland, Drew Sherwood, and Rick Yemm. [ [http://www.history.com/minisite.do?content_type=Minisite_Generic&content_type_id=58174&display_order=2&mini_id=54692 Season 2 Producer's Blog ] ] [ [http://www.cbc.ca/canada/north/story/2008/03/20/ice-road.html CBC North] ]


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