Elf punk

Elf punk

See also Elfpunk.Elf Punk is one of the Fantasy subgenres of fantasy fiction, closely related to Urban fantasy.Elf Punk is not a Cyberpunk derivative.Fact|date=April 2008

"Discussion of Definition"

Quote: Elf Punk came out in the late 80's combining the "urban fairy tale" thing with a rather punk aesthetic that it's at least a sub-genre.Ref: 13-Mar-2008, JasonK

Quote: More modern 'elf punk' fiction might feature fairies and elves in urban settings and cultures, such as biker elves.Ref: http://sci-fi.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Fairies,_Elves_and_other_Immortal_Beings

This little review gives a good idea of what an Elf Punk novel might be like:Quote: I just finished Wen Spencer's Tinker. (It is an) elf-punk fantasy romance with buckets of blood and a spunky, if improbably lucky protagonist. I mean, who wouldn't want to be Einstein smart, Jet Li tough and Lindsay Lohan cute? Tinker is a junk yard dog who understands quantum physics and elfin magic about equally well.Ref: http://www.asimovs.com/discus/messages/8355/7473.html?1187636496 by Matt Jarpe, 2-July-2007

Galaxy Bookshop, (Sydney, Australia), lists three titles in the Elf Punk sub genre.See http://www.galaxybooks.com.au/categories.asp?id=11092&name=Elf%20Punk

Ramona Koval mentioned Elf Punk on The Book Show, on Australia's ABC Radio National, 23-April-2008 in an interview with Jeff VanderMeer, author of "Steampunk: an anthology of fiction and non-fiction".Ref: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bookshow/stories/2008/2225120.htm

"Books that are Elf Punk"

(Alphabetic by Author Surname)

'A Betrayal in Winter' (August 2007 in Australia)by
Daniel Abraham

Emma Bull

'A Child Again' (October 2005 in Australia)by
Robert Coover

Some books by
Charles de Lint

Many books by
Mercedes Lackey

'Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West'by
Gregory Maguire

'Cold Iron' 1998 and 'Sister to the Rain'by
Melisa C Michaels (All of Melisa Michaels's books are out of print) Ref: http://www.sfsite.comand http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/m/melisa-michaels/ 'A Handbook of American Prayer: A Novel' (January 2006 in Australia)by
Lucius Shepard

Wen Spencer

'The Iron Dragon's Daughter' (1994)by
Michael Swanwick - The author himself agrees that his novel is Elfpunk . . .Quote:Is The Iron Dragon's Daughter Elfpunk?Following a recommendation of Daughter as an elfpunk novel in the newsgroup rec.arts.sf.written:Vlatko Juric-Kokic wrote:> the heroine rebelled against an opressive> "no future" social situation> just like the punk did, so you might say it is punk.

Michael Swanwick writes, in response, . . .What you said sounds eminently sensible. I hadn't thought of it in those words, but they ring true. I'm too old to claim the "punk" title, but there's no gettin around the fact that I was trying for that kind of acerbic clarity the real punks achieved. Also what Bill Gibson called their "explosion into form."Ref: http://www.michaelswanwick.com/revan/idda.html#four (Although some still disagree that this novel is Elfpunk:Ref: http://home.mho.net/trent.goulding/books/blcurrent.html)

Some books by
Terri Windling

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