

Name = WV25
Location = West Valley of the Kings
Date = 1817
Owner = Unknown
Excavated = Giovanni Battista Belzoni
Decoration=Amduat, Book of the Dead,
Fishing and fowling scenes|

Tomb WV25 in the West Valley of the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, is clearly the beginnings of a Royal Tomb, but was never finished or decorated. It is thought to be the start of Akhenaten's Theban Tomb.

It was discovered by Giovanni Battista Belzoni in 1817. Belzoni found two sets of four third intermediate coffins containing mummies, one coffin was covered in a pall.


*Reeves, N & Wilkinson, R.H. The Complete Valley of the Kings, 1996, Thames and Hudson, London
*Siliotti, A. Guide to the Valley of the Kings and to the Theban Necropolises and Temples, 1996, A.A. Gaddis, Cairo
*Belzoni, Giovanni Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries in Egypt and Nubia;...John Murray, London

External links

* [http://www.thebanmappingproject.com/sites/browse_tomb_839.html Theban Mapping Project: WV25] - Includes detailed maps of most of the tombs.

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