Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) of the automobile aftermarket was formed in 1963 by Roy Richter, Ed Iskenderian, Willie Garner, Bob Hedman, John Bartlett, Phil Weiand, Jr., Al Segal, Dean Moon, and Vic Edelbrock, Jr. and now consists of over 7,094 companies worldwide, bringing together aftermarket manufacturers, original equipment manufacturers, media, car dealers, specialty equipment distributors, installers, retailers and restoration specialists.

Products in this $36 billion-a-year industry include performance and racing components, cosmetic and functional accessories, wheels and tires, mobile electronics, safety products, restoration parts, handling equipment, drivetrain parts (as plug-in hybrid aftermarket kits)and more. The industry covers muscle cars, classics, luxury vehicles, sport compacts, street rods, light trucks (off-road and sport trucks) SUVs and recreational vehicles.

The largest of the SEMA events held annually is the "SEMA Show" held usually in late October or early November in Las Vegas, Nevada in conjunction with the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Week. As part of this event, SEMA and other automotive aftermarket trade groups make-up one of the single largest events on the Las Vegas calendar. This is a title formerly held by the now defunct COMDEX show.Fact|date=June 2007 This auto show is not open to the public. Registration as media, manufacturer, buyer or exhibitor is required.


Originally, the SEMA acronym stood for "Speed" Equipment Manufacturing Association. In 1970, government regulations became an issue and the name was changed to "Specialty" to improve the overall image of the association.

Founding members of SEMA



In Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, from Tuesday, November 4th to Friday November 7th, 2008. "The SEMA Show is a trade-only show and not open to the public."

See also

* Aftermarket exhaust parts
* Clean Air Act, Warranty Provisions (42 U.S.C. S 7541 (C) (3) (B))
* Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act

External links

* [ Official SEMA website]
* [ Official SEMA Show website]
* [ Official SEMA Hall of Fame website]
* [ Official SEMA digital media site]
* [ Automotive Aftermarket Industry Week]
* [ - History of SEMA]
* [ Clean Air Act Warranty Provisions (42 U.S.C. S 7541 (C) (3) (B))] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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