- Harry C.J. Phillips
Harry C. J. Phillips(born, Subiaco, 2 February 1943), is a leading civic education advocate and political commentator in Western Australia. He has extensive teaching and lecturing experience in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions in politics and civic education.
Memberships of advisory boards and committees include the Constitutional Centre of Western Australia [http://www.ccentre.wa.gov.au/index.cfm?event=linksConstitution] , Curriculum Council (in Politics and Law), and Chair of the Civics and Citizenship Reference Group. Currently Harry Phillips is a Parliamentary Fellow (Education) at the
Parliament of Western Australia , Honorary Professor atEdith Cowan University and Adjunct Professor atCurtin University of Technology and a Fellow of the Australian College of Education.Harry, a former
Hale School student, holds a Bachelor of Arts from theUniversity of Western Australia and the Curtin Institute of Technology and a Master of Arts and Ph.D. in Political Science from theUniversity of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. Harry Phillips has a wealth of publications in politics, civic education and sport, with particular emphasis on Western Australian electoral and parliamentary politics. Harry has two daughters Michelle and Marina and two wonderful grandchildren Madeline and Charlotte.Publications:
• Phillips, H. (2008), Electoral law in the State of Western Australia: an Overview, Perth: Western Australian Electoral Commission (forthcoming).
• Phillips, H., with Pendal*, P. and Black, D (2007), Parliament: Mirror of the People, Members of the Parliament of Western Australia, 1890-2007, Perth: Parliament of Western Australia.
• Phillips, H. (2006), The Quest for ‘One Vote One Value’ In Western Australia’s Political History, Perth: Western Australian Electoral Commission.
• Phillips, H. (2006), A Citizens Guide to the Western Australian Parliament, second edition, Perth: Parliament of Western Australia.
• Phillips, H (2005), ‘Geoff Gallop: A New Generation Labor Man’, in John Wanna and Paul Williams (eds), Yes Premier: Labor Leadership in Australia’s States and Territories, Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, pp. 114-142.
• Phillips, H. (2004), Speakers and Presidents of the Parliament of Western Australia, Perth: Parliament of Western Australia. • Phillips, H with Black*, D. (2000), Making a Difference: Women in the Western Australian Parliament 1921-1999, Perth: Parliament of Western Australia.
• Phillips, H. (2001), Compulsory Voting: The Australian Experiment, Perth: Western Australian Electoral Commission.
• Phillips, H. with Beresford*, Q., Bekle, H., and Mulcock, J. (2001), The Salinity Crisis: Landscapes, Communities and Politics, Crawley: University of Western Australian Press.
• Phillips, H. (2000), ‘Women in Western Australian Parliament 1921-1999: Towards a New Parliamentary Politics’, International Review of Women and Leadership, Vol. 6, No. 1, July, pp. 24-37.
• Phillips, H. (1999), ‘Citizenship: An Historical Overview’, The Social Educator, Vol. 19, No. 1, April, pp. 41-47.
• Phillips, H. and Black*, D (1999),‘A Bicameral Case Study: The 1998 Western Australian Abortion Legislation’, Legislative Studies, Vol. 13, No.2,Autumn, pp.7-29.
• Phillips, H., Black, D, Bott, B and Fischer, T. (1998), Representing the People: Parliamentary Government in Western Australia, Fremantle: Fremantle Arts Centre Press.
• Phillips, H. (1997), ‘Tennis West: Conservatism in the Cinderella West’, in Ed. Jaggard and J. Ryan (eds), Perspectives on Sport and Society, Studies in Western Australian History, Vol. 17, pp. 95-100.
• Phillips, H. (1996), The Voice of Edith Cowan: Australia’s First Woman Parliamentarian, Perth: Edith Cowan University.
• Phillips, H (1996), with Beresford*, Q. and McMaster, L., Conflict and Consensus: Australian Politics and Law, Melbourne: Longmans.
• Phillips, H. and Moroz, W. (1996), ‘Research findings on students’ perceptions of political awareness and the characteristics of a good citizen’, Youth Studies, Vol. 15, No. 1, March, pp. 13-19.
• Phillips, H. with Brogan*, M. (Eds) (1995), Past as Prologue: The Royal Commission Into Commercial Activities of Government and Other Matters: Proceedings from the Conference on the Part 11 Report of the Royal Commission and Reform of Government in Western Australia, Mount Lawley: SASTEC.
• Phillips, H (1995), ‘The Ideals of Citizenship: Perceptions of Western Australian Youth’, in Murray Print (ed), Civics and Citizenship Education: Issues From Practice and Research, Belconnen: Australian Curriculum Studies Association, 19-38.
• Phillips, H. (1995), Tennis West: A History of the Western Australian Lawn Tennis Association from the 1890s to the 1990s, Sydney: Playright Publishing.
• Phillips, H (1991), ‘The Modern Parliament’, in David Black (ed), The House on the Hill, A History of the Parliament of Western Australia, 1832-1990, Perth: Parliament of Western Australia, 185-262.
• Phillips, H (1991), Second Reading: Parliamentary Government in Western Australia [http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/web/webpages.nsf/WebFiles/Second+Reading/$FILE/SecondReading.pdf] , revised edition, Perth Ministry for Education.
• Phillips, H. (1985), ‘The Political Contest’, in The Other Side: Themes and Issues in Western Australian History, Perth: Bookland, pp. 87-103.
• Phillips, H and Rielly, C (1982), Key Concepts in Politics, Melbourne, Thomas Nelson.
• Phillips, H. (1980), ‘The Political Participation Ethic and the Compulsory Vote’, Social Sciences Forum, Vol. 6 (1), pp.1 -14.
• Phillips, H. (1997), ‘The Education Power in Canada’, The Australian Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. 2 (2), pp. 26-37.
• Bi-annual Political Chronicles for Western Australia, for The Australian Journal of Politics and History, from 1991, and earlier selected issues
* Who’s Who in Western Australia, Susannah Pearce (ed) (2007), North Melbourne: Crown Content. pp. 607-608.
* Parliament of Western Australia website [http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au]
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