Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality

Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality

Infobox Government agency
agency_name = Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality
nativename = Barne- og likestillingdepartementet
nativename_a =
nativename_r =

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formed = 1956
preceding1 =
preceding2 =
dissolved =
superseding =
jurisdiction = Government of Norway
headquarters = Oslo
employees = 190
budget =
minister1_name = Anniken Huitfeldt
(Labour Party)
minister1_pfo =
minister2_name =
minister2_pfo =
chief1_name = Harald Nybøen
chief1_position = Secretary General
chief2_name =
chief2_position =
parent_agency =
child1_agency =
child2_agency =
website = []
footnotes =

The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality ( _no. Barne- og likestillingdepartementet) is a Norwegian ministry established in 1956 as the Ministry of Family and Consumer Affairs, with its current portfolio from 2005. It is responisble for the rights of consumers, the interests of children and youth, the social and economic security of families, and the advancement of gender equality. It issues three grants, for parental leave, for child grants (to parents), and a cash grant to parents of small children that do not use kindergarten. [cite web |url= |title=About the ministry |author=Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality |accessdate=2008-04-26] Since 2008 the department has been led by Anniken Huitfeldt (Labour Party).

Political staff

* Minister Anniken Huitfeldt (Labour Party) [cite web |url= |title=Minister of Children and Equality Anniken Huitfeldt |accessdate=2008-04-26 |author=Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality ]
* State Secretary Kjell Erik Øie (Labour Party)
* Political Adviser Lotte Grepp Knutsen (Labour Party) [cite web |url= |title=Other political staff |accessdate=2008-04-26 |author=Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality]


* Allocation Committee for support to voluntary children's and youth organizations, or "Fordelingsutvalget for tilskudd til frivilligebarne- og ungdomsorganisasjoner" ( [ official site] ) Issues grants for children and youth organizations.
* County social welfare boards, or "Fylkesnemndene for sosiale saker" Makes decisions of placement of children in institutions and foster homes.
* Ecolabelling Norway, or "Stiftelsen miljømerking" ( [ official site] ) Awards ecolabelling.
* County Governor, or "Fylkesmannen" ( [ official site] ) Regional authority of the Government, with a Governor in each of 18 counties.
* Market Council of Norway, or "Markedsrådet" ( [ official site] ) Makes juridical decisions concerning consumer rights upon specific or general cases.
* National Institute for Consumer Research, or "Statens institutt for forbruksforskning" ( [ official site] ) Research.
* Norwegian Assay Office, or "Edelmetallkontrollen" Control of trade of noble metals.
* Norwegian Consumer Council, or "Forbrukerrådet" ( [ official site] ) Pursues consumer interests.
* Norwegian Consumer Dispute Commission, or "Forbrukertvistutvalget" ( [ official site] ) Settles mater from consumers.
* Norwegian Consumer Ombudsman, or "Forbrukerombudet" ( [ official site] ) Handles complaints from consumers.
* Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, or "Barne-, ungdoms- og familieetaten" ( [ official site] ) Helps children, youth and families who need help.
* Norwegian Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud, or "Likestillings- og diskrimineringsombudet" ( [ official site] ) Fights discrimination.
* Norwegian Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal, or "Likestillings- og diskrimineringsnemnda" ( [ official site] ) Appeal board for the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud.
* Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service, or "Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet" ( [ official site] ) Administrating age- and disability pensions and other welfare, and manages unemployment.
* Ombudsman for Children in Norway, or "Barneombudet" ( [ official site] ) Promotes children's interests in society.

ee also

* List of Norwegian Ministers of Children and Equality


External links

* [ Official web site]

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