- Treacherous technician syndrome
Treacherous technician syndrome refers to a limb lead reversal that usually occurs due to the technical error of reversing the right and left arm electrodes. Treacherous technician syndrome has become more common as non-experienced personnel replace
electrocardiogram technician s. Treacherous technician syndrome is the most common cause ofsitus inversus (ordextrocardia ) false-positives. [ [http://www.emedicine.com/radio/topic639.htm eMedicine - Situs Inversus : Article by Annamaria Wilhelm ] ]Limb-lead reversals (LLRs) remain clinically problematic. [ [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bsc/pace/2006/00000029/00000003/art00009 IngentaConnect Simple Diagnosis of Limb-Lead Reversals by Predictable Changes in ] ]
* Glancy DL. Jones M. ECG of the month. Reversal of the arm leads or situs inversus with mirror-image dextrocardia? Reversal of the limb leads and of the precordial leads. [Case Reports. Journal Article] Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society. 159(2):63-5, 2007 Mar-Apr.
* Rao PS. Dextrocardia: systematic approach to differential diagnosis. [Review] [56 refs] [Journal Article. Review] American Heart Journal. 102(3 Pt 1):389-403, 1981 Sep.
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