Uri Keeler Hill

Uri Keeler Hill

Uri Keeler Hill (10 December 17809 November 1844) was a Vermont composer [Citation | last = Sherman | first = Robert | publication-date = 30 September 1990 | title = Connecticut River Valley Provides Concert's Theme | periodical = The New York Times | url = http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE4DC1F3DF933A0575AC0A966958260 | issn = 0362-4331 | accessdate = 2008-08-21] . In 1805, Uri Hill became the organist for the Brattle Street Church in Boston. He moved to New York to continue his music career in 1810 and premiered an "Ode" in 1814 [Citation | publication-date = 2 July 1814 | periodical = New York Evening Post | pages = 2–3] . In 1836, Uri Keller traveled to Europe to study with Ludwig Spohr. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=NX1Wx5-TULIC&pg=PA238&lpg=PA238&dq=%22Uri+Hill%22++composer&source=web&ots=3syKkQs2Hu&sig=PXMXORei9Wc8CTIS4q9j5-mNboo&hl=en A Chronicle of Amercian Music 1700-1995] , Charles J. Hall, Schirmer Reference (September 1996) ]


*"The Vermont Harmony" (1801)
*"A Number of Original Airs, Duetto’s and Trio’s" (1803)
*"The Sacred Minstrel" (1806)
*"The Handelian Repository" (1814)
*"Solfegio Americano" (1820)


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