Ramba (comics)

Ramba (comics)

Supercbbox| title = Ramba

imagesize = 140px
caption = Issue 3
schedule =
format =
publisher = Eros Comix
date = October 1992 -
issues = 12
main_char_team =
writers = Rossano Rossi, Marco Delizia, Mauro Laurenti, and Fabio Valdambrini
artists = Rossano Rossi, Marco Delizia, Mauro Laurenti, and Fabio Valdambrini
pencillers =
inkers =
colorists =
creative_team_month =
creative_team_year =
creators =

"Ramba" is an erotic comic, whose protagonist is an erotic Italian hitlady of the same name. The comics are a mixture of action/adventure and adult situations."Ramba" follows the adventures of Ramba, an erotic mercenary assassin who carries out various murders for hire that drive the storyline, and whose every move is accompanied by sexual activity, with strangers, her employers, and often with her victims.

Plot summaries

Ramba volume 1

*Ramba #1-"Violent Death" by Rossi and Delizia, 23 pages: Ramba pays a man for some fun in a hotel room, then leads the police on a chase with her motorcycle, takes out some disagreeable men in an alley, and goes home to find a new mafia contract, which she completes.

*Ramba #2-"A Perfect Hit" by Rossi and Delizia, 23 pages: Ramba treats herself to a little girl/girl action, takes an airplane trip, joins the Mile High Club with a fellow passenger in the plane's restroom, and takes on a covert assassination of a man who might become a blackmailer.

*Ramba #3-"Hired Avenger" by Rossi and Delizia, 23 pages: On assignment, Ramba brutally murders a house full of people for a drug dealer because some of them stole his cocaine and his money. She then dallies with two men for a three-way.

*Ramba #4-"Humbling the Boss" by Delizia and Valdambrini, 23 pages: Ramba takes the job of murdering a well-guarded executive in his mountain retreat with explosives. When exploding soft drink cans don't do the job, she just shoots him. Then she relaxes with a male stripshow.

*Ramba #5-"Vendetta from Hell" by Delizia and Valdambrini, 23 pages: In an effort to get rid of Ramba, criminals set her up to be the victim of a demon evoked by satanists. She steals a spell book and equips her cat Lucifer to conquer the demon for her.

Ramba volume 2

*Ramba #6-"Deadly Awakening" by Rossi and Delizia; pages 7-29: Breaking into her next victim's apartment, Ramba puts hydrochloric acid in the flexible metal gas pipe to his stove, and then injects a drug into each of his tea bags. She retreats to her apartment across the street. The man comes home, makes tea, and falls asleep during sex with his girlfriend. The girlfriend did not drink tea, and is insulted by his falling asleep, so she leaves. Ramba shoots an incendiary shell into the apartment, which by now is full of gas from the stove, and it explodes. She goes to a bar where there are male dancers, to meet with Ox and collect her fee. She is briefly distracted by a trip to the dressing room with one of the dancers, but collects her money.

*Ramba #7-"The Hunters and the Prey" by Rossi, Delizia and Laurenti, pages 31-53: This lady will take any risk for cash. Ramba has received an invitation to a party on the island of Elba, with a rich bounty in it if she survives the experience. Three men want to play a hunting game. The whole island is the playing field, and she agrees to become prey. Each hunter has part of a clue to the whereabouts of a large cache of money. If she is caught, she loses the money she already has, and submits to their "most perverse wishes." If she catches them, she gets the money. Ramba agrees. She quickly catches and seduces several of her would-be hunters and a female bystander. She demonstrates her own perverse wishes and gets their clues, which lead her to the vicinity of the money. The third man is guarding it in an old German bunker, and manages to get himself impaled on the wall. Her third perverse wish is a necrophiliac one, after which she takes the money and leaves.

*Ramba #8"-A Deadly Shock" by Delizia and Laurenti, pages 55-77: In Rome, Ramba takes a job murdering a powerful executive named Cavalieri, but it must look like a normal death. At his doctor's office, the receptionist says the records are confidential. Ramba seduces her but it does not help, because only the doctor has the key to the cabinets. Returning in the night, Ramba breaks in and finds that Cavalieri has a serious heart condition, and that emotional stress could kill him. Ramba breaks into Cavalieri's mansion, leaving Lucifer to deal with the watchdogs. She gets into his bedroom, gets him agitated, and throws a knife at him. Before the knife hits him, he is dead. The knife is on a string, so it never hits him, and Ramba packs up her knife and her cat. As they are arriving home, Lucifer meets a cat in heat, and Ramba invites the cat and its owner up to her apartment to relax afterward in the arms of two different women.

*Ramba #9-"Ice Cold Death" by Rossi and Delizia, pages 79-101: Ramba takes a job from a man who will not show her his face. A research team in Antarctica is working on cetacean behavior, but passing ships keep blowing up. Ramba seduces and then murders a lesbian dolphin scientist whom she resembles, and takes her place. As Doctor Novari, she arrives at the research installation to help investigate some communication problem, which is never quite clear. There are armed guards everywhere. She seduces one of the scientists, and learns where the information about the true nature of the project is kept. She murders him and one of his colleagues and dumps them in a crevasse. She seduces and murders the guard outside one of the offices, retrieves the floppy discs in question, and makes it to a Chilean weather station in a stolen snowmobile. She sends a radio message to her employers just before hostile Chileans capture her. After her rescue, she learns that the "phony scientists" were teaching dolphins to carry explosives and planned to use them for international terrorism. Ramba gets her money and a letter of appreciation from the Central Intelligence Agency.

*Ramba #10-"Flashback" by Rossi and Delizia, pages 103-125: The tables are turned when somebody tries to kill Ramba. Ramba calls Ox, saying nobody has shown up. Ox yells that it is a setup, and tells Ramba to get out right away. A bullet narrowly misses Ramba at the public telephone. That will never do, of course, and she dives for safety and into a flashback about her time at a mercenary training camp. The best thing when trapped by a sniper is an unpredictable attack, she remembers. Indeed, she is able to move fast enough to trap the man, and recognize him. His name is Wenzel, and he was a classmate in mercenary school, one who beat her, tied her up, and raped her before he dropped out. Ramba has sworn to kill him, but has not seen him since. Now his career is failing, and he thinks killing Ramba will bring him some business. Ramba is not sympathetic. She urinates on his face, and then shoots him. When Ox arrives to rescue her, it is already over.

Ramba volume 3

*Ramba #11-"Frustrated Hopes" by Rossi and Delizia, pages 7-29: Ramba has a job for once that does not involve murder. She is searching the lagoons of Micronesia for a sunken World War II ship that was supposed to be carrying a shipment of gold. Searching for gold at the bottom of the ocean floor, Ramba encounters another diver and entertains him on her ship. The documents of her assignment say that her new friend is an expert on the search for the gold, but he gets away before she can learning anything from him. Ramba dives for another two weeks without any result, when the mystery man appears for another session of lovemaking. This time, she plants a tracer on him and is able to follow him to the wreck in question. There she finds that he has unloaded the shipment into a cave, and has a girlfriend in the Sicilian Mafia, who murders him while Ramba looks on. Ramba murders her, then opens a crate and discovers it contains morphine and not gold. Figuring that her employers must have known all this all along, and tried to manipulate her into being some kind of backup, Ramba sets fire to the morphine.

*Ramba #12-"Say Goodnight, Gracie" by Rossi and Janni, pages 31-53: Adventuring in Rome, Ramba finds herself in the middle of a Mafioso crime war, and must fight her way out. In a club where a Cicciolina look-alike is performing a sex show, Ramba is hired to murder the head of the Teamsters' Union. Ramba is given specific instructions and a gun to use. This is a little suspicious, so she copies down the license number of her employers' car. The hit goes badly, because the gun does not shoot straight and it only has one bullet. Ramba chases her quarry into his office building and finishes him with a knife, but the police have already been called. Ramba gets away and complains to Ox that the job he got her went bad. She gives him the license number. While waiting for Ox to get information, Ramba goes home with a young man who calls himself Diabolik. In the morning, Ox gives Ramba the address of an American "businessman" who is trying to take over local mob action. Ramba wastes no time in murdering him and his bodyguards. Ramba lets a prostitute named Gracie leave after she promises not to say anything.

*Ramba #13-"Homura's Revenge" by Rossi and Delizia, pages 55-77: Ox presents Ramba with a missing persons case, and Ramba finds herself in the middle of a white slavery ring. A college student named Ingrid has disappeared from a Chinese establishment known for catering to the exotic fantasies of the idle rich. Ramba visits the place, and asks for some action. She gets a session with an Asian man, and ends up drugged and shipped to Asia. She finds herself on the high seas on a slave ship where women are forced prostitutes for clients who come in by boat and helicopter. Ramba finds Ingrid and begins to talk about a helicopter escape. That night a woman named Gracie, who has failed to please a client, is scheduled to encounter Homura's Judgment. All the women are required to watch, while a giant man named Homura kills Gracie with a knife attached to his penis. A man named Groth is so aroused by this that he forces Ramba and Ingrid to play Homura's Judgment with him. Ramba slits his throat and escapes with Ingrid in a helicopter. The machine has very little fuel, and they soon crash in the ocean. The caption title of this story is "Homura's Judgment."

*Ramba #14-"The Torment" by Rossi and Delizia, pages 79-101: A continuation of the previous story from Ramba #13, two men in a yacht rescue Ingrid and Ramba from their downed helicopter, and take them to Hong Kong. Ingrid keeps the yachtsmen busy while Ramba steals their money, and the women leave the yacht for a hotel. Men from the slave ship from which they escaped earlier catch up with them and prepare to execute them. Ingrid, the woman Ramba is out to rescue, winds up drowning in semen, while Ramba is to face Homura's Judgment. Ramba manages to turn Homura's knife around so that he falls on it and kills himself. She then opens a gas line and shoots the building from a distance, murdering everybody else in the building. The art is signed "R. Rossi" on the final page.


*Ramba volume 1 by Rossi, Delizia, and Valdambrini, translated by Stefano Gaudiano.-Seattle, Washington: Eros Comix, 1995.-125 pages: illustrated; 27 cm.-(Eros Graphic Albums; 15)-"Adults only."-First published in English in the comic book Ramba, issues 1-3, 5-6. -Art is signed "Ross." Call number: PN6767.D4R313 1996
*Ramba volume 2 by Rossi, Delizia, and Laurenti; translated by Stefano Gaudiano.-Seattle, Washington: Eros Comix, 1996.-125 pages: illustrated; 27 cm.-(Eros Graphic Albums; 22)-Story by story credits for all three "Ramba" albums are given in the advertising at the end of this volume.-Originally published in English in the comic book Ramba, issues 4, 7-10.-Call number: PN6767.D4R3213 1996
*Ramba volume 3 by Rossi, Delizia, and Janni; translated by Stefano Gaudiano.-Seattle, Washington: Eros Comix, 1997.-101 pages: illustrated; 27 cm.-(Eros Graphic Albums; 29)-Originally appeared in English in the comic magazine Ramba, issues 11-14.-Call number: PN6767.D4R3313 1997

ee also

*Bad girl art
*Girls with guns


* [http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/rrri/ram.htm European Comics in English Translation (Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company, 2002)]

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