Alberto Fermín Zubiría

Alberto Fermín Zubiría

Alberto Fermín Zubiría (1901-1971) was a Uruguayan political figure, who served as President of Uruguay.


Alberto Fermín Zubiría was a prominent member of the Uruguayan Colorado Party, which ruled the country for long periods. He became a Deputy in 1932. He was noted for his opposition to President Gabriel Terra.

In 1947 he was appointed Industry minister in the Administration of President of Uruguay Tomás Berreta.

President of Uruguay

In 1956, following his fellow-Colorado colleague President Luis Batlle Berres stepping down from his second period of Presidential office, he served as President of Uruguay until 1957.

He was succeeded as President by his Colorado party colleague Arturo Lezama.

Post Presidency

While the opportunity was created for him to serve in a Senate post in 1966, in the event he declined to do so [ 'Alberto Fermín Zubiría', Wikipedia (in Spanish) [] , ] .

He died in 1971.

ee also

* Politics of Uruguay


* []


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