

Flight-Plan is a Japanese video game developer known mostly for their Summon Night series of RPGs and its spin offs. Flight-Plan's first creation was the Black/Matrix series of Tactical RPGs that were only released in Japan. However, Flight-Plan still seems to have interest in bringing a Black/Matrix game to the United States.


Here is a list of video games developed/Published by Flight-Plan:

Black/Matrix Series:

* "Black/Matrix":Sega Saturn (JP): August 27, 1998

Sega Dreamcast (JP): September 30th, 1999 (aka: "Black/Matrix AD", pronounced "Black/Matrix Advanced")

PlayStation (JP): February 14, 2000 (aka: "Black/Matrix +", pronounced "Black/Matrix Cross")

* "Black/Matrix II":PlayStation 2 (JP): March 28, 2002

* "Black/Matrix Zero":Game Boy Advance (JP): August 30th, 2002

PlayStation (JP): May 13th, 2004 (aka: ""Black/Matrix 00", The last PS1 game "ever" made in Japan)

----Summon Night "Main Series": A series of SRPGs released for the PS1 and PS2

*"Summon Night":Playstation (JP): January 6, 2000

Nintendo DS (JP): April 21, 2008 (remake)

Nintendo DS (US): TBA

*"Summon Night 2":Playstation (JP): August 2, 2001

Nintendo DS (JP): Q3 2008 (remake)

Nintendo DS (US): TBA

*"Summon Night 3":Playstation 2 (JP): August 7, 2003

*"Summon Night 4":Playstation 2 (JP): November 30, 2006

----The following games are part of the main series, but play like most modern ARPGs:

* "Summon Night EX-Thesis: Yoake no Tsubasa": (aka: Summon Night EX-Thesis: Wings of Dawn)PlayStation 2: August 4, 2005

* "Summon Night Twin Age: Seireitachi no Kyoumei":Nintendo DS (JP): August 30, 2007

Nintendo DS (US): May 20th, 2008 (As "")

----"Swordcraft Series": A series of ARPGs released on the Game Boy Advance that play differently than the other Summon Night games,with the gameplay revolving around the player's ability to create his/her own weapons for battle.

* "Summon Night: Craft Sword Monogatari": Game Boy Advance (JP): April 25, 2003

Game Boy Advance (US): July 26, 2006 (As "")

* "Summon Night: Craft Sword Monogatari 2": Game Boy Advance (JP): August 20, 2004

Game Boy Advance (US): October 17, 2006 (As "")

* "Summon Night Craft Sword Monogatari: Hajimari no Ishi": (aka: )Game Boy Advance (JP): August 12, 2005

Game Boy Advance (US): TBA (Speculation at best)

Nintendo DS (US): ??? (Rumor)

Rumors and Speculation about sequels and localization

Although Atlus USA has made no announcement on whether or not they have even considered localizing Swordcraft Story 3, many have speculated that they are truly working on it, some go as far as saying that a DS port is in the works because of the GBA's lack of popularity in the US, justifying that, "on the GBA's deathbed, Atlus succeeded in localizing the first two, But with the death of the GBA at hand, they found it to be a poor decision to localize the third installment".

Other means of translation

Since all of these bizarre rumors and odd speculation, some have shifted their attention to those attempting to translate the GBA ROM itself.

Other Games/Series

* "Utawarerumono":PlayStation 2 (JP): October 26, 2006

* "Dragon Shadow Spell":PlayStation 2 (JP): January 18, 2007 (In an interview, Flight-Plan admits to wanting to make a sequel, possibly after Poison Pink.)

* "Poison Pink":Playstation 2 (JP): February 14, 2008


* [http://games.ign.com/objects/694/694442.html/ IGN.com: Flight Plan Company Info]
* [http://www.playstatic.com/news/1033/ Flight-Plan Interview]
* [http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=222049/ Reasons why the DS rocks]
* [http://www.rpgfan.com/reviews/dragonshadowspell/index.html/ Dragon Shadow Spell info at RPGFan.com]
* [http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/company/75906.html/ GameFAQs.com: Flight-Plan Company Info/Game Releases]
* [http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=1387.150/ Swordcraft Story 3 ROM TransHack]

External links

* [http://www.flight-plan.jp/~fp/index.html/ Flight-Plan official site] (Japanese)
* [http://games.ign.com/objects/694/694442.html/ IGN.com: Flight Plan Company Info]
* [http://www.summonnight.net/ Summon Night official site] (Japanese)

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