Reza Dehghani

Reza Dehghani

Reza Dehghani was the founder of Criminal Clothing, and graduated from Bournemouth University.

He founded the company during his final year as an International Marketing student.

Criminal Clothing supplies 1700 retailers worldwide. Their annual turnover is roughly £10 million. They adopt a and no-advertising policy and are famous for provocative slogans and urban designs. [ [ Bournemouth University | The Media School | Reza Dehghani ] ]


Former Bournemouth University student Reza Dehghani was the founder global brand Criminal clothing, which supplies 1700 retailers worldwide and has an annual turnover of £20 million. Criminal is well known for its streetwear collections, provocative slogans, and no-advertising policy.BA (Hons) International Marketing graduate Reza started working on the brand independently during his last year at university, making use of his connections in the fashion industry. He started off creating merchandise such as caps and t-shirts for Slinky club nights and just months after graduation, in 1999 registered his bedroom-run company.Shortly after going into partnership with friend Wayne Collins, who ran Bournemouth clothing store M2, they came up with the Criminal brand name. Born in the Iranian capital Tehran, Reza came to the UK aged 14, later studying towards his A' Levels at Brockenhurst College. Ever interested in the international sphere, he says the reason he chose Bournemouth University was because there he had the option of studying languages.

So from humble beginnings in his bedroom to a fully-fledged global brand. But Reza admits it hasn't been always been easy. ... Surprisingly for a marketing graduate, he decided early on to not make use of traditional advertising methods, half-jokingly stating this was "due to lack of money." The brand instead relies on word-of-mouth and the policy, which has become an effective marketing strategy in itself, allowing the brand to develop on its own merits.

"The brand instead relies on word-of-mouth and the policy, which has become an effective marketing strategy in itself, allowing the brand to develop on its own merits"

As part of his professional placement, Reza went to the South of France for six months and there met David Hadida whose parents were in the fashion industry, and who inspired him to get involved in fashion himself.

Says Reza: "I've always thought if you can't do something well don't do it at all. The only thing I believe in is very much a real relationship between brands and the consumer. Advertising is a fairly forced relationship."

"At one of my first meetings with my bank manager he asked for my balance sheet, and I thought, I remember this from university! So all those kids out there, pay attention, it does come in handy!"

After two years of trying to secure the deal, Reza received a very special birthday present on his thirtieth birthday last year, when up-and-coming investment company Baugur injected £6 million into the company. "It was amazing," Reza says. ... Reza adds: "We're looking to build this company all the way to £100 million. ... But Reza admits the south has a certain something. "When our foreign guests come here they absolutely love it. It's a great place, by the sea." He says there is a much more relaxing environment in the town, and having fun is integral to the company's spirit. ... That's our message," says Reza.

Reza, who sees the company progressing "onwards and upwards", gives useful advice to future generations striving for success. Baugur, the Icelandic private equity group, is rumoured to be considering a sale of its Criminal clothing brand, with retail experts tipped to be the most likely acquirers. A sale could result in the closure of four of Criminals stores. Baugur bought Criminal in 2005, four years after it was established. Reza left a legacy of success. Reza passed away aged 32 on 17th May 2008. He ventured thorough life at the speed of sound and broke barriers.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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