- Software602
Software602, Inc. is an international software vendor providing technology for businesses. It is based in Jacksonville, Florida with customers in over 200 countries. The most popular products are 602LAN SUITE Groupware, a secure messaging solution with web collaboration containing SMTP/IMAP/LDAP services along with integrated anti-virus & advanced anti-spam protection, Print2PDF Server Edition, an affordable PDF converter for organizations and Print2PDF Conversion Server, a high-performance Adobe PDF generator server
oftware602 Online
* [http://www.software602.com Software602]
* [http://www.software602.com/products/groupware/ Software602 Groupware Server 6.0] . This secure messaging solution with web collaboration contains SMTP/IMAP/LDAP/ XMPP services along with integrated anti-virus & advanced anti-spam protection. Native Outlook support provides synchronization of contacts, tasks, and calendar items.
* [http://www.software602.com/products/print2pdfserver/ Print2PDF 7.0 Server Edition] , Network shareable printer that provides users with the ability to create an Adobe® PDF from any application that prints. Also supports Terminal Services and Citrix®.
* [http://www.software602.com/products/xmlformserver/ 602XML Form Server] , a back-end server solution for centralized management of electronic forms.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.