Peter H. Gregory

Peter H. Gregory

Peter H. Gregory, CISA, CISSP is an American information security manager, computer security specialist, and writer. He is the author of several books on computer security and information technology.


Gregory is a member of the Board of Advisors and lecturer for the NSA-certified University of Washington Certificate Program in Information Assurance & Cybersecuritycite web |url= |title= Advisory Board IA Program |accessdate= 2008-04-20 |date= |year= 2007 |month= January |work= University of Washington] , and on the Board of Advisors and the lead instructor for the University of Washington Certificate Program in Information Systems Securitycite web |url= |title= Advisory Board IS Program |accessdate= 2008-08-24 |date= |year= 2008 |month= January |work= University of Washington] . He is also a member of the board of directors of the Evergreen State chapter of InfraGard, and a founding member of the Pacific CISO Forum.

As an InfraGard member, Gregory served as an expert witness in the 2006 cybercrime case, United States vs. Christopher Maxwell.

Gregory is the founder and organizer of several online communities; the largest are the CISA Forum with over 3,000 members and the CISM Forum with over 850 members. These and other online communities exist to help others better understand data security and regulation issues and improve their professional knowledge and stature through industry certifications.


Gregory studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Nevada in the 1970s. His career includes positions in computer operations and programming in municipal government and banking, and a software engineering and application architect position at Bally Technologies. In 2000 he joined World Vision as a Unix systems architect, and in 2003 he moved to Seattle and worked for over twelve years in the wireless telecommunications industry at McCaw Cellular (now part of AT&T Mobility) and Western Wireless in IT and security management positions. Today he works as a security and risk manager at a financial software solutions company in the Seattle area.


* Gregory, Peter. "CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor All-in-One Exam Guide", McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2009. ISBN 0-071-48755-7
* Gregory, Peter. "Solaris Security", Prentice-Hall, 1999. ISBN 0-130-96053-5
* Gregory, Peter. "Sun Certified System Administrator for Solaris 8 Study Guide", Prentice-Hall, 2001. ISBN 0-130-40933-2
* Gregory, Peter. "Enterprise Information Security", Financial Times Management, 2003. ISBN 0-273-66157-4
* Gregory, Peter; Miller, Lawrence. "CISSP for Dummies", John Wiley & Sons, 2003. ISBN 0-764-51670-1
* Gregory, Peter; Miller, Lawrence. "Security+ Certification for Dummies", John Wiley & Sons, 2003. ISBN 0-764-52576-X
* Gregory, Peter. "Computer Viruses for Dummies", John Wiley & Sons, 2004. ISBN 0-764-57418-3
* Gregory, Peter; Simon, Mike. "Blocking Spam and Spyware for Dummies", John Wiley & Sons, 2005. ISBN 0-764-57591-0
* Gregory, Peter. "VoIP Security for Dummies, Avaya Limited Edition", John Wiley & Sons, 2006. ISBN 0-764-03744-X
* Gregory, Peter. "SIP Communications for Dummies, Avaya Limited Edition", John Wiley & Sons, 2006. ISBN 0-470-04149-8
* Gregory, Peter. "Converged Network Security for Dummies, Avaya Limited Edition", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. ISBN 0-470-12098-9
* Gregory, Peter. "IP Multimedia Subsystems for Dummies, Radisys Limited Edition", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. ISBN 0-470-13587-7
* Gregory, Peter. "Midsized Communications Solutions for Dummies, Avaya Limited Edition", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. ISBN 0-470-16552-2
* Gregory, Peter. "Unified Communications for Dummies, Avaya Limited Edition", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. ISBN 0-470-17495-1
* Gregory, Peter. "Securing the Vista Environment", O'Reilly Media, 2007. ISBN 0-596-51430-1
* Gregory, Peter; Miller, Lawrence. "CISSP for Dummies", Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2007. ISBN 0-470-12426-1
* Gregory, Peter. "IT Disaster Recovery Planning for Dummies", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. ISBN 0-470-03973-6
* Gregory, Peter; Simon, Mike. "Biometrics for Dummies", John Wiley & Sons, 2008. ISBN 0-470-29288-7

Gregory has written several articles for Computerworld and Software Magazine including:
* "Protect Apps and Data with a Disaster Recovery Plan"cite web |url= | title=Protect Apps and Data with a Disaster Recovery Plan | accessdate=2008-08-24 | last=Gregory | first=Peter | work=Software Magazine]
* "Identify Vulnerabilities with Application Scanning Tools"cite web |url= | title=Identify Vulnerabilities with Application Scanning Tools | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Gregory | first=Peter | work=Software Magazine]
* "Integrity begins within: Security pros lead by example"cite web |url=,,91832,00.html?SKC=security-91832 | title=Integrity begins within: Security pros lead by example | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Gregory | first=Peter | work=Computerworld]
* "Vulnerability Management Ushers an Era of Technical Risk Management"cite web |url= | title=Vulnerability Management Ushers an Era of Technical Risk Management | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Gregory | first=Peter | work=Software Magazine]
* "Security in the software development life cycle"cite web |url=,289483,sid14_gci915821,00.html | title=Security in the software development life cycle | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Gregory | first=Peter | work=SearchSecurity]
* "Tipping sacred cows: Make bold decisions to protect your information"cite web |url=,10801,81788,00.html | title=Tipping sacred cows: Make bold decisions to protect your information | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Gregory | first=Peter | work=Computerworld]
* "Lessons learned from the blaster worm"cite web |url=,10801,85247,00.html | title=Lessons learned from the blaster worm | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Gregory | first=Peter | work=Computerworld]
* "For an infosecurity career, get the technical basics first"cite web |url=,4902,96090,00.html?nlid=SEC2 | title=For an infosecurity career, get the technical basics first | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Gregory | first=Peter | work=Computerworld]

Gregory has been interviewed by trade publications including Information Security Magazinecite web |url=,296894,sid14_gci1257071_idx1,00.html | title=Moving On Up | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Damore | first=Kelley | work=Information Security Magazine] cite web |url=,296894,sid14_gci1257115_idx2,00.html | title=Token Support Isn’t Enough | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Damore | first=Kelley | work=Information Security Magazine] cite web |url=,296894,sid14_gci1256996,00.html | title=Peer to Peer | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Sherman | first=Erik | work=Information Security Magazine] cite web |url=,296894,sid14_gci1257032,00.html | title=Best Advice | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Mimoso | first=Michael | work=Information Security Magazine] , CIO Magazinecite web |url= | title=Data Breach History Includes Plenty of Big Names | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Brandel | first=Mary | work=CIO Magazine] , and Computerworldcite web |url=,10801,105064,00.html | title=Legal Niceties | accessdate=2008-04-20 | last=Brandel | first=Mary | work=Computerworld Magazine] .

See also

* Computer Security
* InfraGard
* Certified Information Systems Security Professional
* Certified Information System Auditor


External links

* [ University of Washington Certificate Program in Information Assurance & Cybersecurity]
* [ University of Washington Certificate Program in Information Systems Security]
* [ InfraGard]
* [ Personal website]

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