In vino veritas

In vino veritas

In vino veritas is a well-known Latin phrase. It means “"in wine [there is the] truth"”. It is also known as a Greek phrase “Ἐν οἴνῳ ἀλήθεια” "En oino álétheia", which has the same meaning. The author of the Latin phrase is Pliny the Elder, [Pliny the Elder, "Naturalis historia 14, 141"] the Greek phrase is attributed to the Greek poet Alcaeus.

Meaning and Origin

Apparently the phrase refers to the circumstance that people seem to become uninhibited and tell what they really think (i.e. the truth) when they drink alcohol.

Already Pliny the Elder, who first mentioned this phrase, called the phrase a saying. The oldest known source for the phrase is the Greek poet Alcaeus. The Roman historican Tacitus tells about the Germanic peoples, that they always drank wine while holding councils, as they thought nobody can deceive effectively when drunken.

The phrase is very often continued as "in vino veritas, in aqua sanitas" - "the truth is in wine, the health is in water".


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