strings attached — noun Unstated or downplayed catches, limitations, caveats, restrictions, or requirements. They were advertising free television sets, but there were a lot of strings attached … Wiktionary
strings attached — obligations, restraining conditions He was able to borrow the money for the furniture with no strings attached … Idioms and examples
No Strings Attached — Студийный а … Википедия
no strings attached — no strings (attached) if there are no strings attached to an offer or arrangement, there is nothing that is unpleasant or not convenient that you have to accept in order to get the advantage from the offer. It s very rare that you get a loan that … New idioms dictionary
with strings attached — with strings (attached) no strings (attached) if there are no strings attached to an offer or arrangement, there is nothing that is unpleasant or not convenient that you have to accept in order to get the advantage from the offer. Most of their… … New idioms dictionary
No Strings Attached — Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si llegaste aquí a través de un enlace interno, quizá desees corregirlo de modo que apunte al artículo apropiado. El término No Str … Wikipedia Español
No Strings Attached — Figurentheater mehr (offizielle Schreibweise: no strings attached) ist ein Festival in Mainz für außergewöhnliche Theaterspielformen. Es wird vom Kultursommer Rheinland Pfalz in den Mainzer Kammerspielen, im KUZ und an anderen außergewöhnlichen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
no strings attached — no special demands or limits that you have to accept. The donation has no strings attached, so the charity can use the money for whatever purpose it chooses. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form with string attached with special demands or… … New idioms dictionary
no strings attached — 1. adjective Characterized by an absence of conditions or obligations. Since then, Beijing has often offered its support to Islamabad in the way of economic assistance, but also with no strings attached military aid. Syn: unconditional Ant: quid… … Wiktionary
no strings attached — An offer with no strings attached is an offer made without conditions or restrictions, and requires nothing in return. I managed to get a loan with no strings attached … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions