Zbigniew Wąsiel

Zbigniew Wąsiel

Zbigniew Wąsiel (born on 29 January 1966 in Chrzanów) – contemporary Polish artist, sculptor; creates installations, video objects, artistic arrangements and performances. He also makes figurative, allegorical sculpture verging on abstraction. Much sculptured work is made in brass and bronze.


He graduated from the Antoni Kenar State High School of Visual Arts in Zakopane. Graduate of the State School of Visual Arts (ASP) in Gdansk in the faculty of Sculpture; Diploma (1993) under the tutelage of Prof. Edward Sitka.


In 2000 he co-founded ‘Na wieży’ gallery in Gdansk; in 2001-2004 he cooperated with Galeria 78 in Gdynia. Since 2007 he has run the Sculpture Gallery of the Sculpture Artists Association in Gdansk. Founder of the Local Initiatives Association (in 1998) – non-governmental organization involved in promoting different socio-cultural forms of life. First chairman for three terms.

He takes an active part in the artistic life of the Tri-City; organizer of over 120 joint and one-man exhibitions. Participant of many exhibitions, artistic projects at home and abroad (Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey, Italy, Sweden, France and Lithuania). Frequent prizewinner. Works of Zbigniew Wąsiel are held in private collections at home and abroad; in the Museum of the City of Gdynia, the National Museum in Gdansk, the Museum of Central Pomerania in Slupsk and the Pomeranian Fine Arts Society). He lives and works in Gdansk.

Selected projects and works

*‘Time Capsule’ – co-designer, engaged in the project, Gdańsk (1991)
*‘Archetypes’ – installation created in the State School of Visual Arts (PWSSP) in Gdańsk (1993) – a series of 4 installations:‘Composition of 8 Pyramids’ (personal technique, measurements: 2.5 x 15 x 23 m), ‘Duplicated Element’ (personal technique, measurements: 6 x 6 x 1 m), ‘Totems’ (personal technique, measurements: 5 x 10 x 6 m), ‘Mandalas’ (personal technique, measurements: no. I /1.5 x 1.5 x 3 m/, no. II /Ø 3 x 0.1 m/, no. III /Ø 3 x 2 m/).

The spatial composition made from various materials such as concrete, brick, metal, wood, glass, plastic wrap, clay, tar, mineral wool, fabrics, gauze, paper, colour dyes, aromatic essences and organic materials such as soil, grass, fish. The work was displayed in the form of a video presentation as part of an exhibition entitled ‘Six Artists from Gdańsk’ at the Fass Gallery in Istanbul (Turkey) in March 2002.

*‘Life’ – video installation created at the Żak Gallery in Gdańsk (1994), measurements: 5.5 x 4.7 x 2.4 m, materials: concrete, plastic wrap, green and brown dyes, photocopies, video presentation, diodes, fish, calfskin, water.
*‘In vitro veritas’ – installation created for an exhibition entitled ‘Open – Close’ (2000) at the Spiż 7 Gallery in Gdańsk (gallery of Marek Rogulus Rogulski), materials: plastic wrap, ink, zinc sheet, Perspex, colour/black and white photocopies, screws, nails, magnifying glasses, photographic filters, glass containers, elements of lighting equipment, fragments of calfskin, larvae, dressing materials, tampons, needles, drip, dental instruments, water, olive oil (3 photographs of Wiaczysław Stukow {1941-1996} were used in the installation), measurements: 7 x 6 x 4 m.
*Composition made from stump, artificial limb and nappy – installation created for the exhibition entitled ‘Together in Europe’ at Gallery 78 in Gdynia (2002) and for the exhibition ‘Combi Nations’ at the Żak Gallery in Gdańsk (2004), materials: bronze, fabrics, wood, paper, metal elements, screws. Measurements of one element: approx. 23 x 29 x 94 cm (11 elements)
*‘Inner Portrait’ – sculpture (1999) bronze, measurements: 48 x 42 x 32 cm
*‘Disabled Torso’ no. 11 / sculpture (2005) bronze, cast iron, metal, measurements: 33 x 31, 1 x 49 cm
*‘Loving Angels’ no. 12 / sculpture (2005) bronze, measurements: 17 x 15.5 x 35.5 cm

External links

* [http://www.gallery-art.pl/sztuka/images1/newsy24.html Zbigniew Wąsiel]
* [http://autograf.asp.gda.pl/info.php?id=113 "‘Installation’ ‘In vitro veritas’" ]
* [http://www.independent.pl/sztuka/artysci/?id=0301350901310805373536333212013901013402013010004600 "‘Biographical entry’" • Independent. art"]
* [http://www.wikiart.eu/index.php?title=W%C4%85siel_Zbigniew "Biography of Zbigniew Wąsiel" • Wiki Art]
* [http://people.sabanciuniv.edu/~zaremba/eng/sixartists.htm "SIX ARTISTS FROM GDAŃSK Exhibition by Polish Artists" • exhibition at Sabanci University in Istanbul]

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