

name = TreeSize

developer = JAM Software
operating_system = Microsoft Windows
platform = x86-64 (64-Bit)
(Previous Versions: x86)
language = English, German
status = Active
support_status = Active
genre = Disk space manager
license = Freeware, commercial
website = []

TreeSize is a proprietary disk space management tool writen by Jam Software. TreeSize is compatible with Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and 2008 including 64Bit versions.


The common functionality of all editions is to determine and to display drive/folder sizes, and to create reports such as tables and charts (pie chart, bar chart or tree maps). The collected data can be exported to plain text, HTML, XML, or MS Excel formats.


The first version of TreeSize was programmed by Joachim Marder in 1996. It was designed right from start to be a GUI-orientated du for MS Windows. The software tried to overcome the drawbacks of both, the du command and Windows Explorer's right click. One year later, the newly founded German company "JAM Software" published TreeSize in a freeware and two shareware versions. It is subject to continuous improvement since 1997.


TreeSize Free is available free of charge and provides a basic functionality for exact determination of file sizes and reporting as well as a Windows Explorer integration. The Professional and Personal Editions of TreeSize (shareware versions) offer extended search functionality and a md5 checksum which can find duplicate files. The Personal Edition offers all but a few functions of TreeSize Professional: the Personal Edition will not run on Windows Server, it doesn’t support network drives, it can’t be controlled by the command line interface and it provides less export options.


* [ Review on ]
* [,121631/article.html Review on PC World] . Additionally, PC World reported on two occasions about TreeSize in their print magazine; once in the Hungarian edition of August 2007, p. 66-67, authored by Tószegi Szabolcs. The second report was printed in the German edition of July 2007, p. 62 authored by cmd.
* [ Review on]
* [ Article on]
* [ Article on]
* [ Article on]

External links

* [ Official web site of TreeSize Professional]
* [ Official web site of TreeSize Personal]
* [ Official web site of TreeSize Free]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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