Gill Dougherty

Gill Dougherty

Infobox musical artist | Img_size =
Landscape =
Background = group_or_band
Birth_name =
Alias =
Born = 1961
Name = Gill Dougherty

Img_capt = Gill Dougherty, in 1986
Died =
Origin = France
Instrument =
Genre = Power pop
Occupation =
Years_active = 1978 - 1993
Label = [ Reflexes Pathe Marconi]
Associated_acts =
URL = [ MySpace]
Current_members =
Past_members = Guitar : Dougherty, Patrick "Kovaslsky" Mir, Alain "Mougeot" Gonzales
Drums :Dominique Dussourd, Eric Pero, Jean Luc Guitar, Frédéric Manetta, Le "Pins", Yves "Petch" Bordes, Zara "Shifters", Alain "Fils de Joie" Gérard, Jean François "Nounours" Romain Jean-Louis "Image" Pujade, Jean Marc Bibronand many others...
Bass :Richard Arriaga, Bill "Afficionados Bass", Yvon "Outsiders", Armel Urvoas, Jean Marc "Jazbuhl" Leclerc, Christophe "E.T.", Philippe Larrive, Christophe Baqué, Olivier Boumendil ...
Background : Benedicte, Pascale, Patrick Mir, Jean Marc Leclerc, Pascale, Zara, Serge Fobert, Michel Art Mengo, Georges Baux
Brass :Yann Legoff "(Sax)", Olivier Boumendil "(Sax)", Serge Casero "(Sax)"
Keyboards :Georges Baux, Michel Reynal, Michel Art Mengo
Harmonica :Philippe Danecker, Thierry
Production :Georges "Deltour" Baux, Patrice "Reflexes" Fabien "(RIP)"
Notable_instruments =

Gill Dougherty or as you all know him as Bill Dougherty raised in Norwood, PA is a French singer and song writer, heavily influenced by 70s and 80s rock, who was born April 1961 in [ Toulouse] . In 1979 he formed, on an offchance, his first band " Lipstick " with Olivier Boumendil on bass and Jean Marc Bibron on drums. At that time, punk rock was sweeping through France and he found inspiration with " Jam", "Clash", "Sex Pistols", "B 52's", and " Ramones" In France, he found his incluences in " [ Bijou] ", " [ Telephone] " and " [ Starshooter] ". Later, he has also noted "Link Wray" and "Chris Spedding" as great influences.

Lipstick got its first hit on a local level with the song "Accident" ("... The car in front of me just left the roadway, it turned over three times and crashed into the ditch..."). There some traces of this sound from his early period during which bands like "Classe X", "Les Fils de Joie"(Sons of Joy) and "The Lords" also appear . Other early songs of Lipstick are "Jenny", "Ballade Pour Une Bourgeoise", "Despy and Joan", and "Je Ne Veux Plus Te Voir"(I Don't Want to See You Anymore).

In 1980, Gill Dougherty formed "Les Incorruptibles" with two ex-members of "The Lords". In March 1981, "Les Incorruptibles" drew critical attention to themselves at a concert in Theatre du Taur with songs like "Les Soleils de La Nuit (Suns of The Night)", "Bande Dessinée (Cartoons)", "Dr Jackson"... The story of Incorruptibles, with whom he records three albums with Studio Deltour ("Predestine", "Annabelle" and "Moi je Doute"), ends as quickly as it had begun, and, from 1982 on, Gill performs under his own name and records three albums: "Envie de Tuer"(Need to Kill), "Monsieur Dupond" and "Interdit de Séjour", also under contract with Studio Deltour. At the same time, he appears on stage with "Gringos", "Evadés d'Alcatraz", "Misérables", "Classe X", and forms a band with Alain Gerard, previously drummer of "Fils de Joie", and Jean Marc Leclerc of "Evadé d'Alcatraz" on bass.

En 1984, while flipping through a magazine in hospital, following a motorcycle accident, he comes across an article about the famous song "Tu Verras, Tu Verras"(You Will See, You Will See), by the French band "Ablettes", produced by Patrice Fabien for the record label [ Réflexes] . Patrice, who had been a producer with CBS, expressed an interest in the demo of "Moi Je Doute"(I Doubt) from 1981. Gill contacted him and signed with [ Réflexes] for two singles, "Moi Je Doute" and "Fric Frac Noise", also recorded at Studio Deltour. The single rapidly climbed the playlists of the Europe 1, RTL, and France Inter national radio stations. At the time, Gill Dougherty, maintained only tenuous connections with the music business and did not show any will to succeed and lost his chance to produce any follow up to this hit. Nevertheless, he played at the "Rose Bonbon" with the "Bandits", "Ich Libido", "Follie's", "Ricky Amigos", les " [ Les Désaxés] "(Offsets), and "Drucilla", who were all signed to [ Réflexes] . Their drummer is Jean Luc Guitard, and the bass player is Jean Marc Leclerc. The track is recorded an pre-recorded tape of Eddy Mitchell at the Palais des sports where the applause was preserved. The track was mixed in one night at Studio Caroline with Patrick Giordano, the guitarist from the "Bandits", but the live recording was never released. In December 1984, he appears at the "Zeleste de Barcelone" concert and makes the cover of the "Avanguardia".

In 1985 and 1986, Dougherty had an intensive creative period of writing during which he formed the "Vicomtes" (Jean Marc Leclerc on bass, Patrick Mir and Yves Bordes of the "Partners", on the guitar and on drums, respectively. In that same period he recorded numerous duos "La Femme Araignée" (Spider Woman) with Monique Sabatier of the "Queen Bees", "Ne Joue Pas" (Do Not Play) with Caroline, the bass player of the "Calamités" (available on the Internet) and worked with many other artists like Marie Alcaraz (replaced by Anicée Alvina from "Ici Paris" (Here is Paris). He also recorded three new over produced albums at Studio Deltour ("La Vie Sans Toi" (Life Without You), " Etais Tu"(Where Were You?), "Mais Ne Reviens Jamais"(But Never Come Back)). He also played with the "Beach-Brothers", a "one summer" band, and occasionally sat in with the "Strikers" and the "Shifters".

In 1989, he formed the "Hobos" with Dominique Dussoud on drums (Ex "Little Helpers"), Richard Arriaga on bass, Patrick Mir on guitar ("Partners"), Yann Legoff on sax and Philippe Danecker on harmonica. They recorded thirteen tracks in one day. On April 12, 1990 at the beginning of a tour with early "Zebda", they played at the "Printemps de Bourges" (Spring in Bourges). There also is a tape of this concert available on the Internet.

The "Hobos" disbanded in 1991. In 1993, Dougherty appeared briefly with the "Freaks" with Richard Arriaga on bass and Erick Pero (Ex "Bus") on drums. March 10, 1994 at the Bikini, he met Link Wray who signed a guitare for him, and authorised, despite the protests of his wife, Olive, to record the condert. This video, if it is of good quality, is a rarity.

Since the early 1990s, Gill Dougherty has seemingly dropped out of the music business. He is a dedicated sailboat enthusiast and lives in the north of Bretagne, in west of France. Despite his musical silence, he has never turned his back as a collector of guitars. He is well known with his black Fender Stratocaster, but he has also been noted to play Rickenbaker 330, Flying V, Gibson 345, Gibson SG, Explorer, Telecaster, Gretsch 6120, and Danelectros.

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