Lambda Istanbul

Lambda Istanbul

Lambda Istanbul was a LGBT Turkish organization. It was founded in 1993 as a cultural space for the LGBT community, and became an official organization in 1996. Clandestine Pride events were held in Turkey starting in 1993, and with Lambda Istanbul participation, they became public marches.

The organization was dissolved in May 2008 following a court decision. [ [ Court decides to shut down Istanbul's gay rights association] , Turkish Daily News, May 30, 2008.] The prosecutors claimed that Lambda Istanbul's objectives were "against the law and morality." The dissolving has been criticized by Human Rights Watch [ [ Turkey: Court Shows Bias, Dissolves Lambda Istanbul] , "Human Rights Watch", June 2, 2008] and Amnesty International. [ [ Turkey: Respect LGBT People's Right to Freedom of Association] , OUTfront! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Human Rights, Amnesty International.]

The agenda of Lambda included:
* Reporting human rights violations.
* Helping change the 8th article of the Constitution, pending its amendment.Clarifyme|date=August 2008
* Putting sexual orientation and identity into the 8th article of the Constitution so that it would be easier to achieve rights.


External links

* [ Official site]

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