

Tartufo (tahr-too-foh) is an Italian ice-cream dessert. It is usually composed of two or more flavours of ice cream with either fruit syrup or frozen fruit - typically raspberry, strawberry or cherry - in the center. It is typically covered in a shell made of chocolate, but cinnamon or nuts are also used.


The word "Tartufo" means "Truffle" in Italian; tartufi are also referred to as Italian truffles. "Tartufo" may also translate to a type of edible fungus, but it well known as an ice cream dessert.


The original tartufi were created just after the French revolution by French chefs and were chocolate confections made to resemble like their prized fungi cousin in the Perigord region of France. These sweet confections were given at Christmas time as gifts. Sometime during the Victorian era the frozen truffle came about when the idea of molding ice creams into shapes such as flowers, fruit, and other foods became popular. During recent times ice cream "truffles" or "tartufi" have regained popularity.


Tartufo is usually composed of two flavors of ice cream which are sculpted together with the hands. If there is a fruit in the middle, ice cream may be scooped out from the middle and the fruit placed inside, or fruit syrup may be used to paste the two scoops together. If its shell is chocolate, special chocolate is usually melted and either dipped or poured over the ice cream ball after being cooled to lukewarm - though they can also be rolled in the chocolate - and is then frozen. If its shell is cinnamon, it is usually rolled in cinnamon before freezing. If it uses nuts, they are usually placed on by hand if large and rolled on if smaller. For a better shape, circular molds are sometimes used.


Tartufi are common in Italy and America. In Italy, it is prepared professionally as well as sold commercially. It is rarely sold commercially in America, though it is a common menu item in Italian restaurants as well as other gourmet restaurants. Recipes are often hard to find in English, and many restaurant cooks buy them privately from outside companies.

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