Ouled Nail

Ouled Nail

The Ouled Nail are:
* A Berber tribe living in the Ouled Nail Mountains of Algeria [ [http://www.beledy.net/sherezzah/OULED.HTM "Images of the Ouled Nail"] ] [ [http://www.ishimmy.com/columns/Featured_Articles/Ouled_Nail__Algerian_Nailates/ "Algerian Nailates: The Ouled Nail", by Halima, January 15, 2005] ] [ [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhEbnNuoLVk A documentary about the Ouled Nail of Algeria] ] [ [http://www.basthabda.co.uk/page2gallery.htm Photo gallery with Ouled Nail] ]
* The range of mountains in Algeria called the Ouled Nail
* A term in belly dancing refer to a style of dance originated by the Ouled Nail people. They are noted for their belly dancing. [ [http://www.belly-dance.org/ouled-nail.html "Ouled Nail"] ] [ [http://www.jasminjahal.com/articles/99_06.html "The Ouled Nail of Algeria", by Jasmin Jahal, June 1999] ]
* The Ouled Nail tribe also originated a style of music known as Bou Saâda music. [ [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2e5eM4ZkRw "Bou Saada music of the Ouled Nail"] ]

ee also

* Berber music
* Music of Algeria
* Bou Saâda
* Djelfa
* Belly dancing


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