- Richard de Morins
Richard de Morins [Ricardus Anglicus, Richard of Mores, Richard de Mores, Ricardus de Mores.] (c.1161-1242) was an English canon lawyer. He was Archdeacon of Bologna, and taught law at the
University of Bologna . On his return to England, he was a canon ofMerton Priory , before becoming prior atDunstable Priory in 1202.Jurist
By new methods of explaining legal proceedings, he became recognized as the pioneer of scientific judicial procedure in the twelfth century. His long-lost work "Ordo Judiciarius" was discovered in Manuscript by Wunderlich in Douai and published by Witt in 1851. A more correct manuscript was subsequently discovered at
Brussels by SirTravers Twiss . [Twiss, on evidence which seems insufficient, followedPanciroli in identifying him with BishopRichard Poore (died 1237).]Probably he graduated in Paris, as a Papal Bull of 1218 refers to "Ricardus Anglicus doctor Parisiensis", but there is no evidence to connect him with Oxford. He also wrote glosses on the papal
decretals , and distinctions on the Decree of Gratian. He must be distinguished from his contemporary,Ricardus Anglicanus , a physician.Prior
He was an effective leader of the Priory, early acquiring relics from
Cropredy [ [http://www.cropredyvillage.info/Church%20at%20Cropredy.htm Church at Cropredy ] ] . He took over Dunstable's chronicle, continuing it until his death. [http://www.humanitiesweb.org/human.php?s=s&p=l&a=c&ID=1987&o=] He preached crusade in 1212, and attended theFourth Lateran Council [ [http://www.dunstableparish.org.uk/ptrhistory.htm Bold type = main column ] ] .References
*Rashdall, "Mediæval Universities", II, 750 (London, 1895);
*Twiss, "Law Magazine and Review", May, 1894;
*Sarti and Fattorini, "De claris Archigymnasii Bononiensis Professoribus";
*Blakiston in "Dict. Nat. Biog.", s. v. Poor, Richard.Notes
External links
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13032a.htm "Catholic Encyclopedia" article]
*de icon [http://www.bbkl.de/r/ricardus_anglicus.shtml BBK page]
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