Pfaff — This most interesting and unusual surname is an Anglicized form of the Germanic surname Pfaeffle , a derivative of Pfaff , from the German pfaffe , cleric, parson, or papst , pope. This is an example of the sizeable group of early European… … Surnames reference
Paffley — This most interesting and unusual surname is an Anglicized form of the Germanic surname Pfaeffle , a derivative of Pfaff , from the German pfaffe , cleric, parson, or papst , pope. This is an example of the sizeable group of early European… … Surnames reference
Pfeffel — This most interesting and unusual surname is an Anglicized form of the Germanic surname Pfaeffle , a derivative of Pfaff , from the German pfaffe , cleric, parson, or papst , pope. This is an example of the sizeable group of early European… … Surnames reference
Pfeffle — This most interesting and unusual surname is an Anglicized form of the Germanic surname Pfaeffle , a derivative of Pfaff , from the German pfaffe , cleric, parson, or papst , pope. This is an example of the sizeable group of early European… … Surnames reference
Babst — Recorded in many spelling forms including Pope, Pape, & Lepope (English and French), Pabst, Babst, Baff, Paff, Pfaff, & Pfaffe (German),Papez (Czech), Papiez and Papierz (Polish), Papis (Flemish), De Paepe (Dutch), Pappi (Finnish), and Papis… … Surnames reference
Baff — Recorded in many spelling forms including Pope, Pape, & Lepope (English and French), Pabst, Babst, Baff, Paff, Pfaff, & Pfaffe (German),Papez (Czech), Papiez and Papierz (Polish), Papis (Flemish), De Paepe (Dutch), Pappi (Finnish), and Papis… … Surnames reference
De Paepe — Recorded in many spelling forms including Pope, Pape, & Lepope (English and French), Pabst, Babst, Baff, Paff, Pfaff, & Pfaffe (German),Papez (Czech), Papiez and Papierz (Polish), Papis (Flemish), De Paepe (Dutch), Pappi (Finnish), and Papis… … Surnames reference
Lepope — Recorded in many spelling forms including Pope, Pape, & Lepope (English and French), Pabst, Babst, Baff, Paff, Pfaff, & Pfaffe (German),Papez (Czech), Papiez and Papierz (Polish), Papis (Flemish), De Paepe (Dutch), Pappi (Finnish), and Papis… … Surnames reference
Papen — Recorded in many spelling forms including Pope, Pape, & Lepope (English and French), Pabst, Babst, Baff, Paff, Pfaff, & Pfaffe (German),Papez (Czech), Papiez and Papierz (Polish), Papis (Flemish), De Paepe (Dutch), Pappi (Finnish), and Papis… … Surnames reference
Papez — Recorded in many spelling forms including Pope, Pape, & Lepope (English and French), Pabst, Babst, Baff, Paff, Pfaff, & Pfaffe (German),Papez (Czech), Papiez and Papierz (Polish), Papis (Flemish), De Paepe (Dutch), Pappi (Finnish), and Papis… … Surnames reference