- Stephen Murphy III
Stephen Joseph Murphy III (born in
St. Louis, Missouri ,September 23 ,1962 ) is afederal judge on theUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan , and a formerUnited States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan from 2005-2008.On
June 28 ,2006 , Murphy was nominated with Raymond M. Kethledge by PresidentGeorge W. Bush to fill two vacancies for the state ofMichigan on theUnited States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit . Murphy was to occupy a seat made vacant by the death ofSusan Bieke Neilson . At the time, the Senate was controlled by the Republicans. After the Democrats regained control of the Senate in November 2006, Democratic Michigan senatorsCarl Levin andDebbie Stabenow balked at confirming any more Bush nominees from their state to the Sixth Circuit.On
April 15 ,2008 , as part of a deal to unblock this logjam, Bush renominated failed Clinton nomineeHelene White to the Sixth Circuit, more than eleven years after her first nomination. She replaced Murphy as the nominee to fill Neilson's empty seat, while Murphy was nominated to replace Judge Patrick Duggan on the U.S. District Court, a vacancy that had sat unfilled since 2000. In return for White's renomination, Levin and Stabenow agreed to allow Kethledge to be confirmed as a circuit court judge.Kethledge, Murphy and White received a joint hearing before the
Senate Judiciary Committee onMay 7 ,2008 , and were voted out of committee onJune 12 ,2008 . OnJune 24 ,2008 , all three were confirmed. Kethledge and White were confirmed byvoice vote . "It's a huge thrill and an enormous honor," Murphy told the Detroit Free Press in an article that was published on June 26, 2008. [http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080626/NEWS06/806260388/1008/NEWS Quick move seen in naming attorney | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press ] ]Murphy is a resident of
Grosse Pointe, Michigan .References
External links
* [http://www.fjc.gov/servlet/tGetInfo?jid=3180 Federal Judicial Center Profile]
* [http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/04/20080415-3.html White House nomination]
*Thomas, Ken, " [http://www.mlive.com/newsflash/michigan/index.ssf?/base/news-52/120829555251270.xml&storylist=newsmichigan Bush nominates Michigan appellate judge to 6th Circuit slot] ," "The Associated Press",April 15 ,2008 .
*Egan, Paul, and Trowbridge, Gordon, " [http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080415/METRO/804150457/1409/METRO U.S. Attorney in Detroit nominated to federal bench] ," "The Detroit News",April 15 ,2008 .
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