- Hispanito
Hispanito is a Hispanic social network which was launched in March 2007.
Initially the domain Hispanito.com has been a directory of links for Latin America. In March 2007, the new social networking platform was launched. The name "Hispanito" can be translated as "Little Hispanic". The network was build with the idea that every Hispanic could have his "little space" online.
As a social Network, the specificities and positioning of Hispanito have been: only in Spanish language, simplified functions, user friendly approach.
It was created by Jean Derely, a social network aficionado, in his spare time. In Octobre 2007, while the site gained attraction from Hispanics from USA and Latin America, Jean dedicated his full time to the project.
In April 2008, the site reshaped to position itself as a local-global Social Network portal.
[http://www.hispanito.com Hispanito]
[http://www.hispafun.com Hispafun, content for Hispanito]
Press coverage:
[http://gigaom.com/2007/08/04/boston-area-startups Introducing, Boston Start-Ups with Hispanito]
[http://www.hispanicmpr.com/resources/articles/how-to-build-and-grow-a-hispanic-social-network-the-case-of-hispanitocom/ Introducing, How to build and grow a Hispanic Social Network: the case of Hispanito.com]
[http://wwwhatsnew.com/2007/02/19/hispanito-nueva-red-social-en-espanol Nueva red social en Español]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.