Tim Pritlove

Tim Pritlove

Tim Pritlove (born 1967-11-25 in Gehrden) is a German Event-Manager, Media-Artist and Discordianist. He lives and works in Berlin. Pritlove is a British citizen.

Pritlove studied computer science but never finished. From 1998 to 2005 he was the main organizer of the Chaos Communication Congress and the Chaos Communication Camps. Also, until 2006 he was in charge as managing director of the "Chaos Computer Club Veranstaltungs GmbH". He also filled a central role in the Chaos Computer Club, where he is settled as a member. In the 1990s he founded the "MacHackers" Initiative. A Mailinglist and a Wiki for the German Hacker-Community based about the Apple Macintosh.

As Discordianist Pritlove appeared under the pseudonym "Theodor Prinz". With this name he blogged until March 2008 in MobileMacs-Blogs. Since the beginning of April 2008 he is blogging at MobileMacs by his civic name.


At the beginning of the 1990s Pritlove belonged to the developers of the first interactive, telephone based communication platform Die Villa. He is coordinator and co-developer of the Project Blinkenlights. In the last years he was a scientific co-worker in the "Institut für zeitbasierte Medien" at the Berlin University of the Arts. In 1996 he founded the first T-Shirt-Label of the Hacker- Culture named "interhemd modebewusstseinserweiterung".


Pritlove is one of the project leader of the Chaosradio. He coordinates their Web- and Wiki-Sites. Also he is produce of the spin-offs "Chaosradio Express", "Chaosradio Express International" and "Chaos TV", which Feed are also a member of the Chaosradio-Podcast-Network. Additionally he writes his own Weblog called "The Lunatic Fringe".

External links

* [http://tim.geekheim.de Pritlove's Weblog „The Lunatic Fringe“]
* [http://www.hindu.com/mp/2006/11/29/stories/2006112901010400.htm Article above Tim Pritlove in the indian daily news The Hindu]

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