

BasicLinux also known as BasLinux, is a mini Linux distribution optimized for old (386 - 486) PCs.

It's based on stripped down version of Slackware 3.5 and uses a obsolete, but small, v2.2.26 kernel with busybox to provide a low-RAM LinuxFact|date=May 2008, capable of browsing the web, doing email, and functioning as an X terminal.

It's offered in 2 versions. A hard drive one that boots from DOS, and a floppy drive one, that uses 2 disks.

Both versions can be used with a 386 CPU. The Hard Drive installable version requires 3 MB of RAM and 20 MB of space in the Hard Drive, plus a bootable DOS. The floppy version needs 12 MB of RAM.

External links

* [ BasicLinux official site]
* [ BasicLinux Mailing List Archives]
* [ BasicLinux on]
* [ BasicLinux Review on IceWalkers]
* [ BasicLinux on Softpedia]

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