

The "limitanei" or "riparian" (Plural "Limitatenses") were border units in the armies of the late Roman Empire. They were light troops and served to hold off invaders until heavier troops could arrive. They are historically significant in that their appearance, as part of a plan of military reforms of the late 3rd century was able to extend the life of the Roman EmpireFact|date=July 2008 by holding back barbarian invasions.


Historians believe that military reforms in the Roman Army were begun in the late third century by Diocletian. It was Constantine I, however, under whom the reforms began to take root and have widespread effect. The first written reference to "limitanei" was in 363.

Military changes

The creation of the limitanei saw at the same time the creation of "comitatenses" units. The limitanei were the lighter of these two groups. They would be stationed directly at the borders of the Empire, with the mission of harrying invaders until the heavier troops, the comitatenses, could arrive on scene.


Although these military reforms brought a more effective defensive army, than the previous arrangement had, it did have its downsides. The quality of the troops declined because the limitanei had to live in poor conditions along the borders, mostly garrisoned in camps, while the comitatenses lived in cities in very good conditions. This affected the discipline and morale of the late Roman army.

However, partly due to these reforms Roman Empire lived for another 130 years.Fact|date=July 2008



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