Te lucis ante terminum

Te lucis ante terminum

"Te lucis ante terminum" is an old Latin hymn. It is the hymn at Compline in the "Roman Breviary".


The authorship of Ambrose of Milan, for which Pimont contends, is not admitted by the Benedictine editors or by Luigi Biraghi. The hymn is found in a hymnary in Irish script (described by Blume in his "Cursus", etc.) of the eighth or early ninth century; but the classical prosody of its two stanzas ("solita" in the third line of the original text is the only exception) suggests a much earlier origin. In this hymnary it is assigned, together with the hymn "Christe qui lux es et dies", to Compline.

An earlier arrangement (as shown by the Rule of Caesarius of Arles, c. 502) coupled with the "Christe qui lux" the hymn "Christe precamur adnue", and assigned both to the "twelfth hour" of the day for alternate recitation throughout the year. The later introduction of the "Te lucis" suggests a later origin.

The two hymns "Te lucis" and "Christe qui lux" did not maintain everywhere the same relative position; the latter was used in winter, the former in summer and on festivals; while many cathedrals and monasteries replaced the "Te lucis" by the "Christe qui lux" from the first Sunday of Lent to Passion Sunday or Holy Thursday - a custom followed by the Dominicans. The old Breviary of the Carthusians used the "Christe qui lux" throughout the year. The Roman Breviary assigns the "Te lucis" daily throughout the year, except from Holy Thursday to the Friday after Easter, inclusively. Merati, in his notes on Galvanus's "Thesaurus", says that it has always held without variation, this place in the Roman Church. As it is sung daily, the "Vatican Antiphonary" gives it many plain-song settings for the varieties of season and rite (e.g. the nine melodies, pp. 117-121, 131, 174, 356, 366).


*Mearns and Julian in "Dictionary of Hymnography" (2nd ed., London, 1907), 1135, 1710.
*Bagshawe, "Breviary Hymns and Missal Sequences" (London, s. d.), no. 30;
*"Donahoe", "Early Christian Hymns" (New York, 1908), 41;
*Henry, "Hymns of the Little Hours" in Ecclesiastical Review (Sept., 1890), 204-09;
*Kent in Shipley, "Annus Sanctu"s, part II, 88;
*Pimont "Les hymnes du breviaire romain", I (Paris, 1874), 124-30, defends (128-9) the simple directness of the language of the second stanza.
*"Hymns Ancient and Modern", (historical edition, London, 1909), no. 34, gives Latin text and tr., harmonized plain-song and a modern setting credited to the "Katholische Geistliche Gesangbuch" (Andernach, 1608), no. 163;
*Daniel, "Thesaurus Hymnologicus", I,
*Blume, "Der Cursus S. Benedicti Nursini", etc. (Leipzig, 1908), 65, 68, 75.

External links

* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14479a.htm "Catholic Encyclopedia" article]

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