supernormal — su‧per‧nor‧mal [ˌsuːpəˈnɔːml ǁ pərˈnɔːr ] adjective [only before a noun] ECONOMICS supernormal profits or growth are unusually high: • The first stage in any company s life cycle is a period of very fast or supernormal growth. * * * supernormal… … Financial and business terms
supernormal profit — /ˌsu:pənɔ:m(ə)l prɒfɪt/ noun profit earned by a business through having a monopoly ● This company has survived the recession owing to supernormal profits … Marketing dictionary in english
Opposition to trade unions — comes from a variety of groups in society, and there are many different types of argument on which this opposition is based. Contents 1 Strategic strikes and social disruption 2 Economic effects 2.1 Unemployment … Wikipedia
Strategic entry deterrence — In business, strategic entry deterrence refers to any action taken by an existing business in a particular market that discourages potential entrants from entering into competition in that market. Such actions, or barriers to entry, can include… … Wikipedia
СВЕРХПРИБЫЛИ — (excess profits, supernormal profits) Прибыли, превышающие, по оценкам того или иного исследования, нормальный уровень. Объективного определения сверхприбылей не существует: обычно мнение о сверхприбылях основывается на сравнении либо с нормой… … Экономический словарь
Differences between the Natural Rate of Unemployment and the NAIRU — The Natural Rate of Unemployment (NRU) is the equilibrium level of unemployment to which the economy tends, as defined by Milton Friedman s misperception model of labour markets. This model assumes that, in the long run, labour markets clear (i.e … Wikipedia
Profit (economics) — In economics, the term profit has two related but distinct meanings. Normal profit represents the total opportunity costs (both explicit and implicit) of a venture to an entrepreneur or investor, whilst economic profit (also abnormal, pure,… … Wikipedia
Abnormal profit — In economics supernormal profit, also called economic rent, abnormal profit or pure profit or excess profits, is a profit exceeding the normal profit. Normal profit equals the opportunity cost of labour and capital, while supernormal profit is… … Wikipedia
Contestable market — In economics, the theory of contestable markets, associated primarily with its 1982 proponent William J. Baumol, holds that there exist markets served by a small number of firms, which are nevertheless characterized by competitive equilibria (and … Wikipedia
Profit (accounting) — Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow management · Chart of accounts … Wikipedia