Requiem (Mozart)/Tuba mirum

Requiem (Mozart)/Tuba mirum

Tuba mirum is part of the liturgy of a Requiem Mass, more precisely a section of the Dies irae sequence, but frequently refers to the fourth movement of Mozart's Requiem, in which all four vocal parts—bass, tenor, alto and soprano—have solo passages.

The text:

* Bass ::Tuba mirum spargens sonum,::Per sepulcra regionum,::Coget omnes ante thronum.
* Tenor ::Mors stupebit et natura,::Cum resurget creatura,::Judicanti responsura.::Liber scriptus proferetur,::In quo totum continetur,::Unde mundus judicetur.
* Alto ::Judex ergo cum sedebit,::Quidquid latet apparebit:::Nil inultum remanebit.
* Soprano ::Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?::Quem patronum rogaturus,
* All (only after the Soprano)::Cum vix justus sit securus?

Which is translated (paraphrased, in the case of the first two verses):

::The trumpet casts a wondrous sound,::Through the tombs of all around,::Making them the throne surround.::Death is struck and nature quaking,::All creation is awaking,::To its Judge an answer making.::The written book shall be brought forth,::In which is contained all::From which the world is to be judged.::So when the Judge shall sit,::Whatever is hidden shall be seen,::Nothing shall remain unpunished.::What am I, wretched one, to say?::What protector implore,::When a just person will scarcely be confident?

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