Paul Bahn

Paul Bahn

Paul G. Bahn is a British archaeologist, translator, writer and broadcaster who has published extensively on a range of archaeological topics, with particular attention to prehistoric art. He is a contributing editor to "Archaeology" magazine published by the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), and has lectured on many archaeological study tours sponsored by the AIA and others across Europe, Africa, North America and Polynesia. Bahn has also been an active consultant expert to a number of archaeological documentaries, including the BBC production "The Making of Mankind" and the trilogy of programmes "Human Origins" for the "Nova" series produced by WGBH-TV, Boston. [AIA (n.d.)]

Born and raised in Kingston-upon-Hull, [AIA (n.d.)] Bahn studied archaeology at the University of Cambridge, completing his Ph.D thesis on the prehistory of the French Pyrenees in 1979. After receiving his doctorate Bahn held several post-doctoral fellowships, at Liverpool and London, as well as a J. Paul Getty Foundation postdoctoral fellowship in the History of Art and the Humanities. He went freelance in the mid-80s, and since then has devoted himself to writing, editing and translating books on archaeology, plus occasional journalism. His main research interest is prehistoric art, especially rock art of the world, and most notably Palaeolithic art, as well as the archaeology of Easter Island. He led the team which discovered the first Ice Age cave art in Britain in 2003 and 2004.

Published works

* "Pyrenean Prehistory" (1984)
* "Ancient Places" (with Glyn Daniel, 1986)
* "Images of the Ice Age" (1988, with Jean Vertut)
* "The Bluffer's Guide to Archaeology" (1989, 2nd ed. 1999, 3rd ed. 2004)
* "Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice" (1991, with Colin Renfrew -- 2nd ed. 1996, 3rd ed. 2000, 4th ed. 2004)
* "Easter Island, Earth Island" (with John Flenley, 1992)
* "Mammoths" (with Adrian Lister, 1995; 2nd ed. 2000)
* "Archaeology: a very short introduction" (1997)
* "Journey Through the Ice Age" (with Jean Vertut, 1997)
* "The Cambridge Illustrated History of Prehistoric Art" (1998)
* "Disgraceful Archaeology" (with Bill Tidy, 1999)
* "The Enigmas of Easter Island" (with John Flenley, 2003)




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